Chapter 3 Bella's First Case

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>>>Bella's POV<<<

Male. Mid twenties? No thirties. Had just gotten home from work when he was murdered. He was already having a bad day because he and his girlfriend had had a fight, seeing how many beer bottles are around his flat. No it's her flat they hadn't broken up they lived together and she was gone for the weekend, seeing the note on the coffee table saying that she was leaving for the weekend to clear her head. She was coming back tomorrow but because of his death she came home early.

I deduced. "May we speak to his girlfriend?" I asked gaining a surprised look from a man with gray hair he was probably the detective inspector, "I'm sorry I'm Bella Marie Holmes." I said walking over to him and holding my hand out. He shook my hand.

"Well I am Detective Inspector Lestrade and how old are you?" He asked looking down at me.

"Well I am three but I have the mind of an eight year old and then some." I explain. He nods, "Now can we please talk to his girlfriend?" I ask again.

"Well he didn't have a girlfriend," I frowned, "he had a boyfriend and yes you may talk to him."

"I always get something wrong." I mumble to myself. "We will talk to him after daddy is done with examining the body."

we go silent. "SHUT UP!!" Sherlock yells, "Shut up. Everyone shut up." He looks at Lestrade, "Shut up!!"

"I didn't say anything."

"You were thinking it's annoying." He looks at me, "What have you deduced?" He asks.

"Well He had just gotten home from work when he was murdered. He was already having a bad day because he and his boyfriend had gotten into a fight. This is not his flat it's his boyfriend's they live together. The boyfriend had left for the weekend to clear his head and was suppose to come back tomorrow but came home early when he found out what had happened."

"Bloody hell she is your daughter!" Lestrade exclaimed.

Sherlock smiled at me and bent down and picked me resting me on his hip, "We'll talk to the boyfriend now." He called as we walked out side passing a man who had a confused look on his face.

"Is that Anderson?" I asked pointing to the man. He looked over his shoulder to look where i was pointing and nodded.

"Did you feel the stupidity radiating off of him?" He joked. I giggled and we walked outside John following not far behind us.


Lestrade took them to Scotland yard to talk to the man's boyfriend. They walked into a room that was usually used for questioning and sitting at one side of the table was a man with brown hair and what looked like a new jumper. Bella walked over to one of the chairs on the other side, propping herself up on her knees so she could rest her elbows on the table. She started deducing.

>>>Bella's POV<<<

Man. Mid thirties. nervous, he keeps looking at his hands and messing with his fingers he's also sweating. He's also confused at why he's here probably thinks they think he murdered his boyfriend. His jumper looks like its brand new but it's an old brand, it must have sentimental value to him. Hair messy- My thoughts were interrupted by the man clearing his throat.

"Sir I hope you know we are not thinking you are the one who did this two John." I say trying to calm him down.

"You're a little young to be working with Scotland Yard aren't you?" He asked.

"Um.....we aren't with Scotland Yard I am Sherlock Holmes and this is my daughter Bella. She has the mind of an eight year old and them some yet she is only three. She probably has already deduced you." He says looking at me.

The Mini Detective (A Sherlock fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum