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Okay, everyone, here's the deal:

I will be in Chicago, Illinois on Tuesday, and will not come back to Texas for about a week, okay?

So, during that time, I wish for you to not do the following:

-Tell me every five seconds to update

-Try and contact me

-Leave comments about what I'm doing on my profile.

These things will make me freak out, me being the freak I am. I will think something happened while I was gone, since I do not have access to the Wattpad app, but, if I play my cards write, (see what I did there?), I can get the app, and I will let you know if/when I do.

Please, do not worry, I will not leave you out of this whole Chicago thing, I will tell you guys the things that I did there, and I'll be extra sure to make you guys jelly, okay? Ya know, 'cause I'm mean like that, anyways...

I am on my way to Chicago!! I feel amazing!! My lil sis is sleeping, and it's kinda cute, lol. I'm listening to whatever I can find on my Iheartradio app and my Amazon music app. Srsly guys, get the Iheartradio app, ITS AMAZING! I really wish I could go to the festival, that would be awesome, anyways, getting my obsession with 96.7 KISS FM out of the way... CHICAGO!
We will arrive sometime at midnight, we're here to visit a friend of my mom who we haven't seen since I we were really really little. We are almost at the edge of Texas, and I have a whole lot of energy. But I'm saving that energy for doing what I can on this awesome Wattpad app, yeah dudes, I got it, da Wattpad is in da house! Yeah....
So, I will let you know what goes on in my world, here, so yeah.
I left at about 6:00, it's now about 9:30, I'm getting breakfast at Sanic. I just got some French toast sticks, yum, and my mom and little sister ordered whatever they did, and guess what the total was! Guess!! No, not 4.13, 4.44, silly!
It was....
Drumroll, please....
6.66$!! Yeah!! I got the Devil's lucky number for the price of my breakfast. I should be careful eating those French toast sticks! Lol!
Okay, it's now about 3:00, I'm not in Chicago, yet, but I just arrived Arkansas!!!! Yeah, me, my mom and my sister went to the Arkansas welcome center thing because we all had to pee. My mom had to go twice, lol. I have no idea, so don't even ask.
Then, We saw a two foot watermelon, looked at some history, and I just decided to lay on the floor. I really did that.
"I need a computer..." I said, my voice tired from nausea and the lack of water. "Well," My mom said, not the least but annoyed that I had just decided to lay on the floor out of fatigue, "There are no computers here for your person use, honey." I sighed, not moving from my spot on the floor. "Well, they should. They should be like a library, or something." Afterwards, my mom walked away, and I knew I had to follow, this crazy woman was my ride.
Lol, I love doing that. Well, that happened.
Okay, this will probably be the last lifeupdate for today. I'm about 3 hours away from Chicago, so... YAY ME! The only regret I have right now is not going by plane. The reason for that is, and I have probably told you this, but, she's freaking afraid of flying. Like BA Baracus. But, this time, I wish we could have drugged her to get her on the plan would've  worked like a charm. Lol references.
*That was a reference from the A-Team. It's a show in Netflix, it's kinda old, but my mom made me watch it, so that's what I'm going to do to you.
That's is for now, so until thennnnnn
Okay, I have made it safely to Illinois, and I will hang out in Chicago tomorrow. I'm at my mom's old friends house. His name is Darren. Daren? whatever. The Coolest thing ever is that he has a soda factory right across from his LITERALLY 110 year old gothic/Victorian? house!!! Omg!! You guys, I have to go, I will be awake, oh and btw, it's like 3:00 in the morning!! I've stayed up much later than this, but never with any real social interaction!! Okay, lates, bros!

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