A Child's Calling

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I am a small boy living in a small town,
I don't know what a verb is, neither an article nor a noun,
Family is poor, seldom we eat,
Money is a necessity and knowledge earns a back seat.

So I work to earn my family a living,
Everyone must work to escape grieving,
I see kids playing but I can't play,
If I be absent I miss food for a day.

My master pays me well but I want more,
I want to become rich and like an eagle soar,
I want knowledge and I want a home,
I want to read tales of faeries and of gnome.

I want a life that is full of joy,
But I should not be careless and fall prey to a coy,
The world is cruel, the streets are cold,
If you aren't bold, you are bound to get sold.

But life went on till one day a man came,
Child labour is bad, my master he puts blame,
But my master was a good man and I ran to his side,
He looked at me as he heard the other chide.

"You see my dear friend", he said at last,
"Life is a struggle and these children are outcast,
Outcast from cities, clinics and education as well,
You speak true but I have reality to tell."

"This child here earns for a family of three,
Life is hard for them and I'm sure you agree,
That if I don't give him job they'll die soon,
You must understand that even in this bane, there is a boon."

"You say child labour is bad and I agree too,
But honestly tell me who will look after their family? You, your society or who?
I will leave his family in your care,
Will you look after them and their burden share?"

"You want to ban child labour and I want that too,
But do you understand that this will also disrupt the status quo,
Millions like this boy are there on the streets,
How many of you will truly provide for them when your request court greets?"

"More importantly how long will you look after their needs?
Will you shun them when you get fresh leads?
What will you do if one day you can't provide them with food?
Will you look after them according to your mood?"

"I can't do these my friend,
I must provide for this boy, I must attend,
I pay so that he earns his life,
He works so that he doesn't become a liability in the day to day strife."

"But you see together we can change,
You pay for his school and such things you arrange,
While he can still come here and help me out on days he gets off,
Let me pay for his help, let me see him and his family well off."

And so I am going to school these days,
Learning verbs, articles and nouns and whatever teacher says,
And days I get off I spend with master,
I hope people like me get in their lives such angel, such charm caster.

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