Month Three- Year One

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Planning a scomiche engagement is hard as hell. I mean, being a single Pringle, it did make me slightly jealous. For crying out loud, Scott is proposing to Mitch! That's insane! When I was dating Jeremy, I though he was the one, little did I know, another girl was. They where seeing each other throughout us dating, and the girl is pregnant, not surprising. I've opened up to Avi some more, and went to get coffee with him a few times. My crush has grown over these months, coming over if the weather turned bad, and made me laugh, constantly. He is being very quiet about it to. I get dressed, and get ready to take Mitch to the beach, where Scott will meet him and purpose.

I climb in the car, and go down the road to Mitch and Scott's.

I knock on their door, and Mitch comes to the door.

"Road trip! Mall, now." I smile.

He grabs his purse and dashes out the door, and sits in the passenger seat.

"So? What's up with you?" He asks me, as we pull onto the road.

"Nothing." I say, and he laughs.

"It's obvious." He smirks.

"What?" I ask.

"You like Avi, honey I'm not blind." He cheers.

"That's not true!" I assert, and my cheeks turn red.

"Sure...." Mitch mutters, and turns on the radio.

"I CANT FEEL MY FACE WHEN IM WITH YOU!" Mitch yells, and makes me swerve a teeny. He's insane.

We pass the mall, and he goes, "Kirst..."

"You'll see Mitch." I laugh.

We pull up near the beach, and I walk out onto it.

Mitch follows close behind, and we look out at the sun set.

Scott comes up behind Mitch, and taps on his shoulder, and I pull out my camera.

"Hey boo." Scott says, and kisses Mitch.

"Hey love." Mitch smiles.

"So- how are you doing?" Scott asks.

"Lovely." Mitch says.

"Just like you- which leads me to add-. Mitch, I love you, and I'll love you forever. Short and sweet, Will you marry me?" Scott asks, now down on one knee.

Mitch squeals, and exclaims, "YES!"

I cheer, and turn the recording off, and Avi, Kevin, and Kevin's girlfriend Kris show up.

They all meet us out on the beach, and have a picnic, celebrating Scomiche.

I sit next to Kevin and Avi, and we all talk amongst our selves.

Eventually, Kevin turns on slow music, and starts dancing with Kris. Scomiche joins in, and Avi and I sit there awkwardly.

"Uh, may I have this dance?" Avi asks.

"Oh course." I say, and give Avi my hand.

We go around in circles, and kick sand onto each other's legs.

"So, how have you been?" I ask.

"Nothing much. How about you?" He asks.

"Scomiche." I joke.

"I'm so happy for them- and Kevin to." Avi smiles.

"I totally agree with you." I say.

We dance for an awkward minute, and Avi says, "Any new love interests?"

"Oh, I just have a crush on someone." I say, hopefully he doesn't know it's him.

"Gotcha. Same old deal." He laughs, and his cheeks turn pink.

"Are you blushing Avriel?" I joke.

"Yep. Sunset color." He adds.

I laugh, and the song ends. We all talk for the rest of the night, and Scomiche and Kris, Kevin leave. Avi and I clean up everything, and put it in his car.

I'm about to say goodnight, when Avi says, "Thank you for helping me."

"No problem. It's actually a really cute set up of goods." I smile.

"Ya. I bought them for dates- when I was still dating." He says.

We both lean in closer, and I mutter, "Kaplan."

"Maldonado." He retorts, and he kisses me.

It was the most magical kiss on the planet, and we pulled apart quickly.

"Maybe- we could do that again sometime?" I joke.

"Totally." He laughs.

I stand there for a few more seconds, until he breaks the silence.

"Kirstie- I've liked you for a while- and I was wondering- um- would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asks.

"Yes! Of course!" I smile, and kiss him again.

He break apart, and hugs me. He then whips out his phone, and sets a timer, he kisses my cheek, as the photo is taken, and we then kiss.

"Thank you Avi." I smile, and kiss him one last time, before I head home.

I get home, and lay on the couch, feeling complete bliss, and tweet and Instagram about my relationship. Changing my Facebook status to Single- to dating was amazing.

I can't believe my wish has came true.

I'm dating Avi Kaplan.
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