Chapter 8

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Flamefur's POV:

The dawn patrol reached the Smallclan border in a short amount of time. Flamefur quickly began checking the borderline for any signs of cats crossing over. Luckily there was nothing and the patrol quickly re-freshed the border before heading back to camp.

On the way back, Dawnheart meowed. "Let's hunt for a bit. It would be good to stock up the fresh-kill pile a little."

"Ugh." Iceheart groaned in annoyance and hissed. "But I want to get back to camp."

"If I remember correctly, you were very eager to join this patrol." Dawnheart meowed, brows raised slightly with a small grin. "What's the sudden rush?"

"I just want to get back to camp." Iceheart growled stubbornly.

Flamefur rolled her eyes. She thought she was short-tempered and annoying, but Iceheart beat her paws-down. So Flamefur decided to back Iceheart up. "If she wants to go back then let her. The patrol is over."

Iceheart raised her eyebrows at Flamefur and a small murmur came from her, "Following in my pawsteps, eh?" Flamefur ducked her head in slight embarrassment and nodded.

Dawnheart eyed Flamefur and Iceheart before finally muttering. "Fine, go back to camp. But you'll be on the cave-repair patrol."

Iceheart muttered under her breath and stalked away with Flamefur scurrying after her. She caught up to the white she cat and meowed, "Cave-repair patrol can't be that bad, can it?"

"It's not bad..." Iceheart seemed to be struggling to find the works to justify her hatred toward the job. "It's just no fun. You get dirt in your fur and claws which takes moons to remove.. Plus, it could be pretty dangerous. What if the den caves in?"

"It shouldn't cave in..." Flamefur meowed, though she doubted her own words. "I mean, it's stayed up this long right? Why would it suddenly cave in now?"

"Starclan knows." Iceheart hissed with a shake of her head. The white she cat blinked her ice blue eyes and mumbled in annoyance.

Flamefur studied Iceheart carefully. The she cat seemed to be upset about something other than repairing the medicine cat cave. Her stance was hunched and her paws and tail dragged along the ground as she walkes. Flamefur was so engrossed with Iceheart that her paw got caught in a tree root and she fell flat on her face.

With a yelp, Flamefur scrambled to her paws and gave her paw a lick. It wasn't sprained but it still ached from being wrenched the wrong way. Iceheart didn't even miss a beat in her step during Flamefur's embarrassing face-plant. A part of Flamefur was thankful the the snow white she cat hadn't paid any attention but the other half was mightily annoyed at the fact that Iceheart didn't seem to care about her.

Flamefur took off at a fast trot to catch up with Iceheart, who was already a good fox-length away from her. "Wait up!" She called.

The only sign that Iceheart had heard Flamefur was the slight twitch of her tail and her ears swivelling back to listen to her. She didn't answer or slow her pace. If anything, her pawsteps grew a little more rapid and she broke into a slow trot.

Flamefur finally reached Iceheart's side and she panted, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Iceheart snapped, refusing to look at her.

"Are you sure?" Flamefur leaned closer.

"Yes." Iceheart broke into a run and pulled ahead of Flamefur. "Now leave me in peace!"

Flamefur sighed, slowing to a stop. There was no use in following Iceheart. The white she cat was much more lithe than her. Flamefur stoppes by a moss patch and pricked her ears in interest. Her nest was in need of being renewed along with a few other cats. She was sure Nutwhisker would be glad to have a fresh supply of moss, too.

With a small shrug, Flamefur began gathering the moss.


Silvershy's POV:

"Ready?" She asked Shadedstar.

The grey she cat nodded her head and carefully stepped into the leader's den. Her tail twitched as she glanced around the dark den, looking for Stormstar. Silvershy saw the black tom napping in his nest near the back of the den. Upon their arrival, Stormstar rose his head slightly and mumbled. "Who is it?" His eyes were still half-closed as he stretched slightly.

"It's me."

"Who's 'me'?" Stormstar blinked his eyes open and studied the two. At first, his eyes widened in shock and a small mew escaped his mouth. "Sh-Shadedmoon?"

"Shadedstar." She corrected. "And yes, it's me."

Silvershy stepped back to let the two old friends talk.

"W-what are you doing here?" Stormstar asked, his voice filled with awe and surprise as he gazed at the grey she cat.

Shadedstar's yellow eyes blinked and she lowered her head the slightest bit. "I have been refused entry into Starclan and so I came here to ask if I could join Lightclan temporarily."

"You came all this way?" Stormstar's eyes bulged. "How did you know where we were?"

"I asked around." Shadedstar replied. "I found Magiclan and Monsterclan and they told me you headed south... So that's where I went."

Stormstar tensed at the mention of the two clans that chased Lightclan out. "H-How are they?"

"They've split your territory between them and made your camp their new gathering area. When I met with Rabbitstar in his camp, his clan was much bigger and everyone looked well-fed. There were many kits in the nursery and over five apprentices at once."

Lightclan had fourteen kits at once. Beat that, Magiclan. Silvershy grinned at her thoughts.

Stormstar seemed to have similar thoughts to Silvershy because he answered with, "Well it still doesn't compete with our record of fourteen kits."

Shadedstar chuckled and nodded, "True." Then her face turned serious again and she continued with her story. "Monsterclan was similar to Magiclan. Tabbystar had retired to the elders den so Spiderfur is now leader."

Stormstar nodded. "Enough about them." His voice was tight with anger. "It's upsetting."

"I understand." Shadedstar nodded and dipped her head. "So will you let me join?"

"Of course."

"Thank you for your hospitality, Stormstar." Shadedstar dipped her head.

"No problem." Stormstar smiled.


Omg I'm so stupid >-< I posted chapter 10 instead of this chapter. *facepalm* Pretend you didn't read 10 lol

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