She's Missing ... You Did It.......And You Want Me To Join You ???

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Okaee .... So?! I haven't been on here for a whole WEEK..And I missed alot. So I'll update for you guys. .. I see you guys are GLAD that Kendra died huh ?! Lol you guys are cruel. Ahaha Jk. But anywho onto the story :) Enjoy Lovies...


~Angelique's POV~

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun slapping me across the face. I squinted my eyes as I turned around to my clock which read 9:15. Ohh yeah. I'm beyond late. And you know what that means....Jessica's late too. I got up and headed tothe bathroom to get ready for school. I honestly did NOT feel like going. But hey...It's better than staying here in this silent ass house. I finally got done with my daily routine and went downstairs to Jessica watching TV. My face scrunched up in confusion.

"How long you been down here.?" I asked.

"For about 20 minutes now....Just woke up.." She replied. "Aye i've been waiting for you to come downstairs, check this out." She said as she un paused the TV.

"Jessica what's th-"

"Shhh!" She cut me off. Well then... I turned my attention towards the TV. Which was on the news.

"Hi, i'm Cassandra here on L.A. news with some breaking details. We have the parents of Kendra Carlson here today with the sad news." The news lady said as the camera pointed to to adults....who i'm guessing are Kendra's parents. She was in tears. Along with her father.

"I-I don'y know what happened to her....She was here at home last night and she said she was going to go take a walk...That was about around 9.....then...she just never came back." The mother said.

"Did you know anything else before she left.??" The news lady asked. They just shook their heads no. "Well. L.A. news...investigaters say that if she was only walking around the neighbor hood, she shouldn't be too hard to find. Until further notice, we'll get back to you tonight on this subject. Back to you Jackson." She said as Jessica paused the TV again. I looked over to her.

"Whatchu thinkin' now?" I asked.

"Nun...Just hope that no one will suspect that it was us...Don't forget...we got the twins next." She said asshe smied evily. I chuckled.

"C'mon. Lets just hurrry up so we won't be any more late for school." I said grabbing my bookbag and getting up. She did the same as we headed out the door. We started to walk to school...AGAIN... -.-


~Jacob's POV~ 10:50

Well. I guess she's not coming to school today....Oh yeah. I'm growing some DEEP feelings for Angelique... It's just crazy to me...To be attracted to someone who murdered somebody...That's crazy dont'cha think ??? I was sitting next to Chres while we were just talking...Mr.Johnson was teaching until the principal came into our classroom.

"I'm sorry, Mr.Johnson for interuppting your class but we having some very sad and important news.." He said holding his hands together. "So I don't know if you guys have heard yet but earlier...about an hour or two ago on the news the said that Kendra had went missing. But they've updated and they found her an abandoned alley...They said she was brutally stabbed and choked.," He said and the whole class gasped. After he said that...Jessica and Angelique came in smirking... o.O Ok...weird... They came in and sat in their seats.

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