Born-Again Identity

Start from the beginning

"As sure as I can be," I answered, knocking on the door. A man opened the door. "Hi. Uh, is this, uh, Daphne Allen's house? We're looking for Emmanuel."

"Well, you found him," the man told us. "Daphne's resting. If you don't mind."

"Oh, yeah, sure," I told him.

Emmanuel stepped outside onto the porch, closing the door.

"Um..." Dean trailed off. "So, we were hoping, uh..."

Dean looked into one of the windows, hitting my shoulder lightly.

I followed his gaze to see a woman who was bound to a chair, gagged.

We looked at Emmanuel.

Emmanuel's eyes turned black, revealing that he wasn't really Emmanuel. He gripped either of our throats. "You were saying, Dean?"

"You know, I'd think twice," Dean told him. "Or don't you know that your boss issued a hands-off memo?"

The demon laughed. "Please. What have you done for him lately? Roman's head on a plate? No? Whatever Emmanuel is, Crowley's gonna want him, a lot more than he wants you these days."

I looked at him angrily, struggling out of his grip, punching him in the face, making him let Dean go. Dean grabbed the demon, turning around, pushing him against a support beam on the porch. I drew Ruby's knife, stabbing the demon in the heart, killing him, making him flash with red, taking the knife out. Dean pushed the demon down the stairs.

A man was standing at the bottom of the stairs.

We looked at the body of Jimmy Novak, Castiel's vessel in shock.

Castiel looked at us. "What was that?"

Dean and I were too shocked to move or respond.


Inside, Castiel removed the gag and ropes binding the woman named Daphne. "That creature hurt you."

"I'm okay," Daphne told him. "But, Emmanuel... They were looking for you."

"It's okay," Castiel told her. He turned to Dean and me. "I'm Emmanuel."

Castiel held his hand toward us.

Dean shook it. "Dean. This is my wife, Ness."

"Thank you for protecting mine," Castiel told us.

"Your wife," I told him. "Right."

"I saw his face," Castiel told us. "His real face."

"He was a demon," Dean explained.

"A demon walked the Earth?" Castiel asked.

"Demons," Dean answered. "Whackloads of them. You don't know about..."

Daphne looked at Castiel. "You saw the demon's true face." She looked at Dean and me. "Emmanuel has very special gifts."

"Yeah," I agreed. "We—We've heard that about... Emmanuel." I looked at Castiel. "That you can heal people up."

"I seem to be able to help to a certain degree," Castiel told us. Dean and I looked at each other, still in shock. "What's your issue?"

Dean looked at Castiel. "My brother."


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