Chapter Ten

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My eyes shot open then I quickly closed them as the bright florescent lights above me blinded me. Where was I?
Slowly opening my eyes again I looked around to see my mother sitting in a chair at the side of my bed, her head was down asleep near my side. What happened? Confused I carefully sat up, I noticed tubes sticking out of my arms and carefully pulled them out.

"Honey? Your awake? Your awake!"
My mother smiled the happiest smile I ever saw since a long time and started to call for a nurse. And just like that I felt a razor slice through my heart. I started to panic. Rowan! Where's Rowan?! Tears started to roll down my face as my heart broke to pieces. I just started crying and crying all the pain that was stored in me came out all together. I thought of Emma's death, I thought of my drunk father, I thought of my broken family, I thought of all the arguments I've witnessed at home, and now what hurt the most was the realization that Rowan wasn't real! All of it! My happily ever after, my love, my everything was all a dream! All if it was taken from me the moment I entered reality again!

My mom was terrified she didn't understand what was going on as she saw me weep for a life that was never real. I was hysterical.

"Rowan! No it was all fake! Fake, all of it!" I was crying my heart out. "Why? Why does life have to be so cruel, Emmie? Why?! The nurses entered in the middle of the commotion trying to calm me, when they saw I wouldn't stop one of them stuck a needle into my arm. My eyelids felt heavy and my heart beats slowed down, soon enough I felt calm and dizzy, then everything went black.
When I woke up again I felt numb. I opened my eyes and stared up at the ceiling. I cried out every last drop of pain I held in my body, now there was nothing left but numbness. I heard my mom and someone's else talking out side the door. They were trying to figure out what happened to me. I sat up and when they saw me they entered the room.

"Honey? Are you okay? How are you feeling?"

My eyes felt puffy and my face felt a little warm.

"I'm fine." I barely let out a whisper.

Once the doctors decided nothing was wrong with me they sent me home. Apparently I was in a coma for a month, recovering from a car accident. I still had a few scratches and bruises around my body and face but other then that I was fine. I stared out the window in a gaze as my mom drove me home. The car ride was quiet, and my mom looked so worried for me.
The next day I woke up, and the world never felt any more gloomier then it was today. Laying in my bed for a while I thought about how much it hurt to be somewhere where everything was perfect, then have it all be taken, returning me back to a place where life sucked. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe. I got up and dressed grabbing my car keys. I went through the the back door not wanting to talk to my parents, and I drove not really sure where I was headed.

The sky was grey and and the wind was cool almost as if it were going to rain, driving near the beach I looked out my window and got this familiar feeling to go, so I turned into the parking lot. I walked to the shore and sat down taking in deep breathes enjoying the fresh sea salt air in my lungs. The beach was empty since it wasn't exactly beach weather. I looked out to the ocean, clutching my sapphire necklace. I can't believe it was all a dream. It all felt so real. Figures, the real world isn't all rainbows and sunshine, it's a cruel and unfair place. I hadn't noticed that someone sat near me until he spoke.


I jumped startled out of my thoughts. I turned to see a boy with black hair and familiar warm-blue eyes.

He smiled. "Sorry, didn't mean to startled you. So what brings you out this warm and sunny day?"

"I could ask you the same thing." I turned my head looking out to the sea again watching the sun rise behind the grey clouds.

He smiled then looked at me. "You know you look very familiar. Have we met before?"

"I don't think so." I turned to look at him again.

He was still starring at me with his gorgeous blue eyes, eyes that I once thought belonged to my soulmate. Eyes that made my heart fly.

"I think we have." He whispered in a matter of fact way.

"My names Rowan." He put his hand out.

I shook this mysterious guys hand. Although he was a stranger He was very familiar. Something about him told me I would be able to trust my life with him.

I smiled. "My names Milah. Nice to meet you."

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