Fun in the Sun

176 6 15

Melty, melty Popsicle!

Left out in the sun too long-

ice no match for such great heat!

Now but a splash and then

a stain on the ground!

Splashy, splashy Popsicles!

Let's bring a few more in!

Melting like they're in a fire! Dripping,

dripping like blood to the ground.

Lick it up, lick it up!

But don't eat dirt.

Dirty, dirty Popsicles!

Playing on the ground, swirling

their melted ice bodies!

Ha ha ha ha! Popsicles are



Hey y'all! First, I do NOT like it when popsicles melt :( (It happens to me a lot) Second, how was the poem? :) Hopefully it wasn't too bad! I tried to make it a bit horror-like, but I don't know if I succeeded... it is a popsicle after all XD Third, how are y'all doing?! Good I hope :)

Anyways, thanks for reading!! :D

<3 Lilly 

Ps. On a side note, has anyone heard of the "knife game song"? I mean, REALLY?! Why, why, why?! I'm usually not one to judge other people... but..... 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2013 ⏰

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