"Girls." Vanessa said. "Look, I know this is all very exciting but we need to talk about what we're gonna do."

"She's right." Ninda said.

She opened her month but Raphael knocked on the door, "Huh, Nessie your dad home."


Hasina picked up the piece of cheesy pizza from her plate, eyeing it hard with those almond shape eyes as hot melting cheese slide down from the slice, "What is this?"

"The best thing invented." James said, eating the crust as he relaxed on the other booth.

The five girls looked unsure of the pizza in front of them. It not like they could order pizza from the arctic. Alia was the brave one first and she took a bite of her pizza.

She chewed on it for a second before her eyes widen, "It's good!" she said, taking a bigger bite.

Tavia tried it next, agreeing with Alia. They all liked it beside Kyoko. She didn't like the cheese part so James took her up to get a salad.

"What a handsome man." Kyoko said as she reached over the counter and touched the guy who was making a sub. His eyes widen as he stared at her, "That's a knife, bring it up to your neck--"

James grabbed her, pulling her away from the counter, "Whoa now!" he said as he pulled away from the counter. The guy behind the counter who seemed enchanted by Kyoko spell brought the knife up to his neck but since she didn't finish it just hang there an inch away. James scoffed, reaching over and took the knife away.

Vanessa quickly got and walked over, "Kyoko, that isn't blending in. Release him."

"There is shrimps on that pizza next to him." she coldly said. She looked upset now, "Poor little ones fried and covered in garlic! It isn't right!"

Vanessa sighed, "I know." she said, bring Kyoko into her arms and hugged her.

"Taken from their homes for mankind to eat as if they were never alive. How can the world be so cruel?" she asked, tearing up. "They need to be taken away and buried."

"Kyoko, we can't." Vanessa said.

"Then he doesn't deserve to live." she said.

"We just can't kill him. That's murder and we can get in allot of trouble." she said.

She scoffed as she pulled away, "What they do is murder! I'm sure millions of them have been killed and laid out on ice. Their so little, that need us to protect them. We should be out in the water, watching them. Not here eating pizza!"

"Kyoko please calm down." Vanessa gently took Kyoko hand but Kyoko pulled away.

Kyoko turned to face the man, "The tip of the knife looks sharp. Press it--"

Vanessa held her hand out and the knife jerked before flying over to her hand. Only the mermaids were in the pizza shop. The owner in the bank. The guy behind the counter was under Kyoko enchantment spell. Kyoko turned to face me with a hard look and Vanessa jerked.

She remembered what Adalyn said about stepping foot down. She held her back straight up, "Kyoko, calm down or else. Remember you got to leave the arctic because of me. You follow me, so do as I say."

She gave me a hard look for a moment before it soften and she nodded her head once. She turned to look at the guy and the dazed look vanished from his eyes. He blinked, seeming confused for a bit. Vanessa lowered her hand with the knife and walked away, sitting down at the further end of the counter.


Vanessa paced around at the bench, "This isn't going to well." she breathed out. "This island is probably protected by allot of mermaids. I can only move simple thing."

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