Chapter 26: His Proposal and Her Reaction

Começar do início

"I'll eat whatever left." he replied momentarily as he help me hold the tray and he was sitting awkwardly with his long legs crossed facing me.

We need to find a private doctor to come check you once a month, or anytime you needed it." he stated seriously as he watch me eat my soup.

After I ate the whole bowl of soup, I realized then that I was really hungry. Demetrio was smiling while watching me eating. Still surprised how much food I could take.

Not long, the food are all gone and Demetrio smiled broadly looking very satisfied.

"Our baby is so hungry. I bet he's a boy because he's a big eater. Our little piglet." he uttered ecstatically.

"How do you know it's a boy? It's not because I ate a lot, it means a boy." I said rolling my eyes. "Our baby is not a boy. She's she. Not he!" I said firmly as I stared to his captivating eyes with my tilted chin, challenging him.

"We don't know yet, moro mou. But, I'm hoping it's a boy." he replied chuckling.

So what if it's a girl? And, I like my baby a girl.

"No, I can feel it. My baby is a girl! And, end of discussion." I snapped glaring at him.

He just chuckled and brushes it off. Taking the tray away from my lap and he swung his legs out of the bed and walked to the table and deposited the tray with the empty dishes.

Then he walked back to the side of the bed.

"I need to go pee." I blurted out when I felt my bladder feeling full and feeling like it will burst out any moment.

And, I can't count how many times I had gone to the washroom peeing, just for today!


I had to bring a basin for my urine if we have to go somewhere where there's no washroom.

"Do you need help?" Demetrio asked right away as soon as I scrambled to the washroom.

"If you want to pee for me, that would be great!" I quipped sarcastically, with vexation as I fumbled for my underwear.

"I could help you tug your underwear down.." he teased as he chuckled loudly.

That simple words sends millions of discreet meanings to my erotic brain and processed it promptly and my body reacts rapidly to my brain, sending billions of electrifying sensations in my entire body.

And as soon as I sat on the toilet boil, I squirted!

Damn! Is that pee? or my sweet juices?

Oh God!! Is being horny all the time caused by my pregnancy? I had to ask my doctor next time and maybe asked for a prescription for antidote.

This is embarrassing.

As soon as I'm done and I felt like my dam was completely drained, I wipe my suddenly sensitive core and tugged my undies up and then my yoga pants.

I felt so relieved and then I flushed it.

I walked to the sink and wash my hands with the lavender soap. I made my way back to the bed and then suddenly, I felt so thirsty.

Just as I walked out the washroom, Demetrio approached me with a glass of water.

"Here's some water." he offered, as he handed me the crystal clear water.

I put it on my mouth then I saw something glistening underneath the water. I looked inside curiously, putting the glass a little lower with my forehead furrowed.

The Abductor Hotelier EBS 4 (UNEDITED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora