Chapter 4

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I sit near the edge of the garden, looking at the flowers that rustle slightly in the wind. I hear someone walk up behind me and look over my shoulder to see Prim walking up behind me.

"Katniss, need to talk to you," she says. I pay the seat beside me and she sits down. "I know what you are." I raise an eyebrow at her. "I know you're a mermaid." I stand up and back away from her. "Katniss, I promise I won't tell." I start running away from her and when I reach the willow tree at the center of the garden, I use the trundles to climb up into it.

"Katniss," I hear Prim yell from below me, "I know you're up there somewhere. Can you please just listen to me. I promise, I won't tell Peeta about this. I knew the instant I saw you. I haven't spoke before and I won't speak now. Just hear me out." I sigh and jump down beside her. She jumps and holds her chest.

"Don't do that!" she says. I give her the signal to talk. "Okay, I know you're probably wondering how I know. Well, your hair soft and shines as though its made of silk. You are unearthly beautiful. And you came here wrapped in a tattered sail that you somehow fashioned into a dress, stumbling around as though you were a toddler learning to walk. It really wasn't hard Katniss. What I haven't figured out is why you're here."

I look down at the grass and sigh. I look up at the castle to see Peeta arguing with one of the advisers. I smile and Prim follows my gaze and laughs.

"You love him," she says. "You're in love with my brother." I pull her back into the tree's canopy and she looks at me. "You gave up your tail and voice to get a chance to be with him." I put a finger to my lips, signaling for her to at least try to be quieter. He can't know. That's part of the deal. She notices the look on my face and must realize something. "This isn't permanent is it?"

I shake my head. "How long?" I hold up a finger and her eyes widen. "Only one more day?" I nod. "And then what?" I run my thumb across my neck. "You die?" That's not really what I mean but essentially, that's what is going to happen so I just nod. "How do you stop it?" I sit down on the ground, thinking over in my mind how I can tell her since, you know, I can't speak. Then I point back up at the boy I love.

"Peeta?" she asks and I nod. "Peeta what?" I think it over for a second and then kiss my fist and point to myself. "He has to kiss you?" I nod. "Well why don't you just kiss him?" I shrug. "Well he obviously is really fond of you. He's barely taken his eyes off you since he brought you here. You need to give him the hint. Just go right up to him and plant one on him."

I shake my head. I can't just walk right up to the Prince and give him a big fat smooch. He's a prince for crying out loud. I love him, but there is no way for him to love me after just two days. I feel Prim take my hand and when I look up, she smiles at me.

"Go to him," she says. "Just go to him and kiss him like you did on the beach." I give her a puzzled look and she laughs.

"That's right, I know about that too," She pulls me to my feet and I look at her in thanks, happy she understands why I have done what I did and why I need to try what I'm going to do now. I walk into the castle and up the steps. I stop at the balcony and tap Peeta on the shoulder. He jumps a little and then laughs when he sees me.

"You've got to stop doing that Catfish," he says using the nickname he started calling me because he's seen me swim (as a human, not a mermaid. He doesn't remember that part clearly). "You're gonna give me a heart attack." I smile at him. I notice his eyes are trained on the sea.

"I wonder if she'll ever come back to me," he says. "That beautiful girl that saved me. I know I never saw her, but there is no way a voice that beautiful doesn't belong to someone beautiful." I nod and look down. "Why so sad Katniss?"

I want to scream, "It was me! It was me! I did it because I love you! I gave up everything just to be with you!" I look at him with tears in my eyes and Peeta gently cups my cheek.

"Hey, please don't cry," he says. "I wish you could tell me why. I want to help you. I care about you a lot. That girl in the water was most likely just my imagination, but you, you're a real girl. And I don't know why, but I think I'm starting to really like you." He looks down at his feet and I just barely hear him say. "Maybe even love you." I smile and take Prim's advice.

I lift his chin and lean in at the same time he does. I feel kiss lips meet mine and we share the kiss I've been waiting for and I feel my voice return to my throat. I smile and pull away.

"Not so much in your imagination anymore am I?" I say and Peeta takes a step back, he face a look of pure shock.

"You're... you're the woman that saved my life?" he asks and I nod, confirming it. "But how? We were no where near shore. Everyone thinks I'm crazy."

"You'll think I'm insane when I answer," I say.

"Will you please tell me?" he says. "I don't know how many times I've tried to figure this all out."

"I'm a mermaid," I say and he faints. I roll my eyes. "I told you, you'd think I was insane." I sigh and reach for his arm and sling it over my shoulder as I drag him inside.

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