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I have almost finished unpacking, I only have my toiletries to go as I haven't yet explored the bathroom. The room is a nice size with two beds on opposite sides of the section of the room with a door to the en suite between them. A half wall separates the bedroom area to the living area with a sofa, two desks and two wardrobes. The decoration is nice and neutral and warm, but it still doesn't feel like home.

I went and put my toiletries in the bathroom on a shelf, I'm too tired to do anymore and I want to use my spare ten minutes to sit down and get myself together before going to eat. I am concerned though, because my roommate still hasn't shown up and soon it's going to be time to go and have dinner. I really want to meet the person I'm going to share my room with for the next two years.
I walk over to the desks and see a package on each desk, one with my name on it- I look over to the other package and see the name Lenox Raymonds, my alleged roommate. Taking it, I sit on the sofa and open the envelope to see lots of paperwork, the first page being a letter addressed to me. 

Dear Miss Williams, 
Congratulations on starting at Eternelle, enclosed you shall find documents about the School Code, the weekly timetable regarding food and activities as well as your lesson timetable. Please read each document thoroughly and sign the School Code.
We are looking forward to having you at Eternelle.

Arvin Montgomery.

I flick through the sheets of paper, seeing nothing but lots of information my head isn't ready to consume yet. Regardless, I take a look at my lesson timetable to see what I have tomorrow.
Lesson One- History of Your Element, block C classroom 4.
Lesson Two- Science, block B classroom 1.
Lesson Three- Battle Class, block A classroom 2.
Lesson Four- Elemental Perfection, block C classroom 3.
It doesn't seem too bad, except that I really don't know what any of those things will entail apart from Science. 

The door opens quickly, taking me by surprise and making me jump in my seat. I look over to the door to see the same girl I sat next to just before, but my throat closes up when I go to greet her leaving me standing on my feet with nothing to say. She looks at me slightly confused before going and dumping her suitcases on the other bed. She sits on the end of the bed, looking slightly defeated and I feel a twang of guilt that I'm still stood stupidly.

"Uh, hey." I say quietly, approaching her slowly.

"Hi." She replies bluntly with her face buried in her hands.

"I'm Rylea, are you okay?" Edging closer to her, I wondered whether I should sit next to her or give her some space. She gave off this vibe that she has a force field around her that she doesn't want people to enter. The silence seems to bleed through the air until the whole room is tainted with an edge I couldn't shake. 

"I'm Lenox," she removed her head from her hands and put her long, straight hair behind her ears, "I'm okay." She looks like she was about to smile, but instead she just stood up and went to the bathroom and shut the door. 

Weird, I guess she's just not one to take easily to new things or people. Each to their own. I consider knocking on the bathroom door and asking if she needs anything, but decide otherwise. I check the clock my bed stand and it reads 4:58pm, meaning in two minutes the bell would go off to indicate it was time to eat. By this point I am so desperate to have a conversation with someone in order to actually feel normal again, and not like some freak, I guess it makes sense to just head down now and leave Lenox to her own devices, maybe she'll warm up to me. 

Leaving the room with a half hearted comment about seeing her at lunch, I see a few students from other rooms wander about so decide to conform to their direction.
As I look further down the corridor, my eyes were overwhelmed with things to investigate- students, probably upperclassmen, were laughing and playing and some looked positively strange. In almost every direction, the more I observed the weirder things became. One girl had vines and flowers cocooning her limbs, and a boy she was walking with had pointed ears and a slight green hue to his skin. The more I walked, the more out of my depth I felt but I trudged on to find the opening to the dining hall.

Rows upon rows of benches were in front of me, most filled with chattering groups of people but some with timid students not talking much at all. At the back of the hall I saw where dinner was being served so I made my way there, unease eating away at my stomach and nerves threatening to floor me right in the middle of the hustle and bustle of students lining up to get their food. 
While I waited in the queue, I continued observing everyone around me and found myself still astounded by how crazy this all seems. I never knew any of this for all of my life, and now I'm here surrounded by people who have powers I can't even comprehend, people who I am to learn with and grow with. Regardless of the queasiness I can't help but feel some twisted sense of relief over the validation that I'm not crazy, that in this community I might be able to find my own amongst people just like me. Maybe I-

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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