Chapter 5 - Let The Hunt Begin

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Chapter 5 - Let The Hunt Begin

I was doing the same routine everyday of my life, I never knew he would stay true to himself of keeping his word of leaving me alone. Everytime I would walked down the

path, it was quiet and I know he has been watching me. Like he said when I first came into this forest he watched me everytime I walked down the path. Months passed

as he didn't touch me. I turned 18 on the day of my birthday and still no sign of him nor any sound of twigs break. He truly will come back for me and I needed to prepare myself.

My blonde hair got a bit longer and I was getting the hang of my bow and axe which I named my axe Clave and my bow Silverbow.

Everyday I would go to master's house and we would train for hours, when it was afternoon I took my time to visit granny and I came home late everynight. Besides it was a bit safe

for me to go home late now since no one was after me. My one year of leaving me alone was going to be over when I finished training.

Master reassured me that I will be successful of becoming a huntress and I will. Timed passed as I kept doing the same routine but finally when I reached the end of the month

of this year I became a successful werewolf huntress. My mother already knew and she fainted at first and I told her that it was my dream and I wanted to be. She listened to me

but it took her two days of accepting it.

So now I was sharpening Clave for a welcoming hunt for Cloud. This is going to be fun.


I was running in the forest as I followed the tracks of a werewolf. I analyze it's footprints as I sneakily followed it. For few minutes of sneaking, I finally spotted the werewolf

near the lake taking a sip of water. I took an arrow out and set it up. I carefully aimed it while crouching, I was planning to hit it's arm or leg and so I did.

I let go of the string and watched my arrow flew across the distance hitting the werewolf in the leg. The arrow pierced through it, as the blood streamed down it's brown fur.

It slowly shifted to it's human form as I came out of the bushes still wearing my red hood cloak and slowly walked over to it. I saw that it was a he also.

"Now would you be good lil pup and don't steal anymore supplies from our village" I cooed at him. I watched him as anger filled his eyes. He was also bare and charming but he wasn't

charming and sexy as Cloud. 

"Now run along before I kill" I said pulling the arrow from his leg. He let out a loud shout as I quickly pulled the arrow.

"Oh, don't be such a baby" I hissed at him.

Yes, I was this also kind. I wasn't one of those cruel and heartless hunters but I was one of those kind and merciful. Sometimes I would end up a werewolf's life when I want to and it's

only been a year so I didn't killed any yet but I did injured a lot lately.

I headed back to the village carrying my arrow that pierced through the werewolf's leg. This year was the year that Cloud would come back for me and I can't wait to slay him.

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