"C'mon, lets go make breakfast before they all wake up." Isaac grabbed my hand and pulled me up after hearing me groan in protest.We quickly took a shower (separetly, of course) and decided that we were just going to have to go lazily to school. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and applied my usual make up before going to the kitchen and began making waffles, eggs and bacon.

"Good Morning Julie." Caleb yawned coming in shirtless with shorts hanging low on his hips, his hair standing up in all directions.

"Good morning Caleb." I smiled, setting a plate in from of him. Nick soon came in, sporting Isaac's pair of shirt and jeans, his hair freshly wet from the shower probably.Isaac followed a few minutes after hun carrying Drew in a cute jogger suit with his baby Jordans. Which also matched the ones Isaac and Violet were wearing. I guess he must've bought them the outfits the same day he bought me the dress.

"Brought you your shoes." Isaac said, holding out black and red Jordan high tops in my size.

"Aw! Look at the cute little family all matching." Nick gushed in a high pitched girly voice.

I look at the four of us and notice we're all wearing black sweats, red shirts (Me and Vi wearing tank tops) with a black sweater. How on earth does this happen? I mentally question, completely at lost. I shake the thoughts away and smile at them, taking in all the wonderful people in this room, knowing this is what I always craved to have. A family with unconditional love and support.

We all finish eating a little after and soon enough Isaac and I are in the car driving to drop of the kids before heading to school ourselves much to my protests and hinting that we ditch.

As Isaac parks the car I see our friends waiting for us at the steps leading up to the school entrance, everyone laughing as Caleb gives Luke a wet Willy.

"Finally the happy couple arrives!" Jared hollers as we come closer, completely uncaring by the curios eyes turning his direction.

"Shhh Jared! People are staring!" Brenda hisses, whacking Jim in the back of his head in a disapproving manner.

"Let them, it's not like they have anything exciting happening in their lives." Jared shrugs as he rubs the back of his head. Brenda merely shakes her head at him before turning her curious look at me. I can already here the million and one questions going to be thrown at me the minute we're alone.

"Let's head to class before the bell rings."  Luke suggests standing up and flicking the invisible dirt of his jeans. 

Today's definitely going to be a long day.

* * * *

Its finally lunch time, and so far the day has been filled with stares, questions, glares and probably rumors flying around once again  about Isaac and I. Apparently Nick isn't the only one that noticed Isaac and I matching, because as soon as we stepped on school grounds everyone stared in shock, envy and jealousy. People began gossiping like a wildfire,our names leaving their mouths from every direction as if we weren't a mere steps away from them.

"i heard they have a baby."

"I heard her parents wed her for money."

"Why would he date someone so ugly?"

"She's delusional if she thinks he'll stay for long."

Snarky remarks were thrown form every direction and it's like they spoke loud enough intentionally so I would hear their cruel judgements.

"Dont listen to them." Isaac mumbled, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer, kissing my temple as we continue walking down the hallway. I take a deep breath to settle my nerves and go on, hoping the day will get better.

We reach my locker so I can grab a few notebooks and pens before we head for the cafeteria where the guys were waiting with Derrick.

Upon entering the buzzing cafeteria Isaac's arm tighten when his gaze lands on Derrick at our table, laughing away with Jared at something he must have said.

"Calm down." I sooth, wrapping my arms around him and stepping on my tip toes to plant a gentle kiss on his cheek. I feel him relax as we approach the table at a leisurely pace. Isaac sat in the last available seat next to Luke, leaving me towering over them in the filled table.

"Um.." I try looking around for a free chair near me, but no such luck.

"Babe, sit down." Isaac chuckled taking ahold of my hips and pulled me in top his lap as if it were the most casual thing to do. Everyone went back to their conversations as I try calming down the heat evading my face, even though I know everyone could spot my red cheeks from a mile away. Slowly I start to even out my breath and lean into Isaac, enjoying the warmth and comfort of his chest against my back as we chat away with our friends about light topic, never once an awkward moment between Isaac and Derrick. Jared and Brenda started arguing about the Twilight movie as everyone put their input on team Edward or team Jacob- I personally am team Jacob. As this continues to play out Isaac rests his chin on my shoulder, feeling his cool breath hit my ear and making a shudder erupt within me.

"So, did you like our date?" He asks in a hush tone, trying not to catch anyones attention. I glance around our table to our little family goofing off and just having a good time, even including Derrick in on the conversation before turning to face him with a bright smile.

" I loved it." I confirm, giving him a passionate kiss before being booed by everyone at the table causing us to break apart laughing.


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