chapter 2: start

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When kazuya was told about school, he never expected his classmates to be that beautiful.

Pale skin wrapped all over their bodies, thin figures like that of a model and eyes scrutinizing him from head to toe.

“don't let them get into your nerves, Kame-chan. they are just naturally like that,” pi smiled and bounced his way through the corridor, making his way to his class.

It was kazuya’s first day of school, second day in this town he’s in.

“what was that suppose to mean?” he asked ryo whose composure was intact as yesterday.

“some of our schoolmates might start to notice you in a way for you are undoubtedly new here. But fear not. Yamashita-kun would help you on your way; he smiled a bit and proceeded too with kazuya trailing behind him.

Well, to make the story short, he was almost bullied every time if not for ryo and pi always appearing out of nowhere to save him.

But on all occasion, he notices a young man that looks like he’s on ryo’s age, accompanying them and does all the works while the two covers his eyes.

“it’s not like I haven’t seen people on a fist fight,” he murmurs but pi just chuckled.

“this is a different fist fight, Kame-chan,” he heard him say and once over, he was released. He saw the man with bit of splashes of blood on his shirt and he feels guilty about it.

“I’m sorry you have to do all that because of me,” kazuya spoke in a small voice, taking out his hanky to wipe the remaining blood on the cheek of the man.

“blame yourself not, Kamenashi-kun. Blame this two here who can’t take fighting and have to depend on me to do all the fist work,” he chuckled, steadying himself for Kame who just finished off wiping even his sweat.

“jin~ I do believe there is no need to be too proud of being able to fight. please be reminded of your ability compared to us,” ryo bowed a bit as he talked, same with pi who looked to kazuya like respecting a higher power.

“children of the new age. You are weak against your opponents and yet it is blood you crave,” jin laughed lightly and went on his way, disappearing from kazuya’s sight.

So far, he’s the most awesome he’s known in this place.

“that proud warrior,” pi commented and ryo just hummed in approval.

Kazuya walked with the two beside him as if guarding him. He was being eyed by the others but the two seem to not take notice of it at all.

“a new born?” one asked ryo who suddenly glared at her and she scrambled her way out, as if escaping for her dear life.

“what was that?” he asked. Ryo just smiled but did not say a word to kazuya.

The school was a place where the students over-rule the teachers. All teachers are like prisoners, fear on their eyes, care on their every step. It was as if their life is constantly threatened by the students who paid them no mind at all while they carefully speak in front.

“how do these guys learn when they don’t even listen? And to take note, this school was named one of the best in Japan,” kazuya commented as he took down notes, not really paying mind on his noisy surroundings.

“even rich kids beg their way here. But have you noticed that no one ever was able to transfer here?” ryo spoke in a dark voice, creeping some shit on him.

“I was able to,” kazuya shrugged and ryo gave him a loud shrill laugh that made the hair on his arms stand. It was like listening to those horror movies.

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