Getting Acquainted

Start from the beginning

Akamaru was laying down on the ground next to the furthest wall. Kiba was standing next to him with his back to me, currently in the process of taking his dripping wet jacket off. I watched his back muscles move through his fishnet shirt. I felt my face grow warm as he tossed it in the corner and reached his hands up to untie his leaf headband, shaking his hair out to dry it as best he could. As he turned around in my direction I quickly looked away and took in my own appearance. 


I shrugged out of my wet jacket and threw it in the corner with Kiba's things. My shirt was also wet, there was no avoiding that. The blue fabric of the top of my shirt clung to my shoulders, and the netting towards the bottom of my shirt stuck to my stomach, constricting my movements slightly. I sat on the wood floor and began taking my shoes off as I heard a burst of laugher erupt from Kiba. He clutched his sides as he sat across from me, kicking his own shoes off as well.

"What's so funny?" I asked, brushing my wet hair back and out of my face with my hand, eyeing him slightly. From this angle I could just make out the lines of his abs. Heat rose to my face again.

"Hahaha-we just-haha I'm sorry-," Kiba smiled at me awkwardly, "-it's just that you look like a drowned rat right now, so I can only image what I look like." He grinned and rubbed the back of his head. I frowned slightly and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Whatever, better to look like a drowned rat than smell like a wet dog." I stated sarcastically. I quickly grabbed my nose and made a disgusted look for effect.

"Do I really smell that bad?" Kiba asked wide eyed, raising his arms and sniffing his pits frantically. Now it was my turn to laugh. 

"No, no I was just kidding," I smiled shaking my head slightly. He stopped sniffing himself and looked back at me again with an embarrassed expression.

"Oh, good." He replied, grinning at me again. The lantern's light reflected off of his canine teeth this time, giving me a good view of his smile. Some of his hair was in his face, sending droplets of still remaining rain water down his cheeks and neck. I couldn't help but take in his appearance at this moment. His animalistic qualities seemed to make him more attractive for some reason.

Wait. What? Asuna you don't even know this guy...

He noticed the blush creeping across my cheeks and realized I was staring at him. He met my gaze and I looked down at the lantern. He scooted closer to me so that he was next to me on my right. 


Kiba's POV

I'm fucking soaked. God this jacket is so heavy.

While I had my back turned I could hear Asuna rummaging around in the dark behind me. When she managed to get some light in the small space, I began shedding my jacket. The soaked leather felt like it weighed a ton as I threw it in the corner. I took my headband off and shook my head, trying and failing to get the water out of my hair.

As I turned around I caught Asuna watching me. I smirked slightly as she quickly looked away, trying to avoid eye contact. She unzipped her jacket and threw it in the corner with mine. Her clothes were clinging to her body and, to my amusement, accentuating her curves. I smirked, taking in her appearance. A puddle started to form under her as she sat down and started pulling her shoes off. Her long hair was pressed tightly to her body, completely drenched from the rain. From this angle she looked pretty skinny and weak. It was complete irony because after that jutsu she just preformed I knew very well that she was anything but that. I couldn't hold back my laughter as I pictured her as a little mouse emerging out of a rain gutter.

"What's so funny?" she asked me. I continued to hold my sides as I laughed and sat down with her on the floor.

"Hahaha-we just-haha I'm sorry-," I gave her a nervous smile, "-it's just that you look like a drowned rat right now, so I can only image what I look like." I stated. I saw her roll her eyes and frown.

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