Imagine This #2

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➡️Butterflies were eating up your stomach, giving you the feeling of wanting to throw up.

The emotions running through your mind were driving you wild, and you could barely squeeze any words out of your mouth.

A lump in your throat began to form.

No, you weren't sad.

You were far from being sad.

You looked around you.

People were gathered in a circle around you with wide smiles spread across their faces.

You gazed down at your feet.

There, you saw Mark, close to tears himself, with one knee bent in front of you.

"Well...?" Mark's voice cracked, and he went to grab your hand.

"Well... I..." You sweetly smiled at Mark and wiped away a tear that slowly rolled down his cheek.

You knelt down in front of him to whisper in his ear,

"Of course I do, silly."

Mark's face lit up as you giggled.

"Really?" He chuckled in disbelief.

"Yes, really! Yes!" You cried happy tears as you continually repeated "Yes!".

Mark picked you up and twirled you around several times.

"You have literally made me the happiest man alive." He cried into your shoulder.

You gently held his cheek, and you shared a kiss.

The group of friends that stood in a circle around you roared with a loud applause.

Mark pulled away from your kiss and knelt once more at your feet.

As Mark took the ring from it's box, you saw on the ring, elegantly engraved into it, was the infinity sign.

He gently slid the ring onto your left ring-finger.

"With this ring, I ask you to be mine..." Mark looked up at you and you locked eyes.

His eyes... his chocolate brown eyes left you in almost a trance.

Just by looking into those captivating eyes, you knew that he loved you with every inch of his being.

And you loved him back, just as much.

"With this ring, forever yours I shall be." ⬅️

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