Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

I returned back to my room, sipping on my coffee knowing that I'll need the extra boost of energy for the packing.

After a few long minutes of packing, I was happy to say that I packed everything to the best of my abilities. Usually Charlie would do some of the packing for me but since I have yet to forgive him at the moment, my packing skilled would have to do. It wasn't all that bad.

"All done?"

I turned and saw the beautiful brunette standing by the doorway. A smile plastered on her face which instantly brought a smile to my own. I nodded and sighed in content.

"Yup. Now I can you with yours," I stated before moving onto her side of the room.

"Oh, you don't have-"

"I insist," I smiled. She smiled back and knew that there was no arguing.

We packed her bags in a comfortable silence. Once in awhile I would steal glances towards Camila when I knew she wasn't paying attention. I would observe the way she would crinkle her nose when she was in deep thought or how she scrunched up her eyebrows whenever she was frustrated or confused.

I knew I was slowly falling for her with each cute, adorable expression she did.

"All packed," Camila cheered, teasing me away from my thoughts. I looked at her suitcase and laughed at her attempted packing. It wasn't even zipped up properly and things were falling out of the sides. "What?"

"One second," I said before I went over and properly stuffed the falling articles of the clothing into her suitcase. "Sit on it." She looked up at me with that adorable confused face of hers that made me melt. "Sit on your suitcase so I can zip it completely."

She does as I said and hopped happily onto her suitcase causing the whole bed to shake from her movement. I laughed and zipped up the suitcase.

It was all ready to go afterwards and soon we were back on the road.

I was riding with the girls this time since I didn't want to see Charlie in the boys' tour bus. Plus, the girls were fun to be around with. They were funny and annoying but mainly good to be with. They made me forget about everything stressful and they made me feel like I was a part of their group, their family.


Lauren's POV:

We finally arrived in Chicago after a long drive on the road. During said ride, Dinah had "successfully" pulled a prank on Alex. Dinah stated it was an initiation for staying on the bus on us but we all knew she needed a new victim to prank since she had pulled one on everybody else on the bus already. I emphasized on successfully sine I knew Alex knew about the prank all along. She just went with it to help Dinah's ego and pride.

I had to give Alex props for that. She stepped right into the waiting bucket of pudding to fall on top of her.

Once we were all settled in our hotel room, we had the day to ourselves to explore the beautiful city of Chicago and Ally had plans on how to spend our break.

"Let's go out for dinner tonight. I'm craving some delicious food here," she beamed.

"I'm down," Dinah piped up from the couch and then continued to take selfies with her phone.

Soon the rest of the group agreed to the dinner, especially Camila and Alex. Once Alex agreed an idea popped into my mind. Just had to get the other girls to agree with it.

So you want us to skip dinner?" Dinah questioned when I pulled her, Ally and Normani out into the hallway for a more private scheming area. 

Journey of the Heart (Camila/OC)Where stories live. Discover now