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[i'm throwing a party to celebrate 3k reads and y'all are invited thank u so much :)))]

"But-- Are you sure it wasn't Gerard or something??" Kellin questioned, raising his eyebrows. It was kind of hard to believe that anyone would try and cheat on a boy like Tyler.

Tyler shook his head, chuckling bitterly. "No, it wasn't Gerard. He died his hair some blonde color, remember? And he wasn't there either."

Kellin frowned and held the brown-eyed boy close. He knew what it felt like to be cheated on and he hated seeing others be treated the same way. But honestly, he still doesn't know how someone-- anyone could cheat on Tyler.

Tyler was kind and caring. He's shy sometimes but he's also very hardheaded. He's very reserved, only opening up to very few people.

And that's what he did with Josh.

To Tyler, now, that was a huge mistake and he should have waited. He shouldn't have even kissed Josh. He should have waited longer because this pain could have been avoided.

It was so stupid of him to fall for some boy he had met over Kik. That message was a mistake and so was Tyler.

At least, that's what Tyler thought.


Patrick was desperate.

Desperate to find Tyler, who was nowhere to be seen.

He had searched everywhere but found nothing. He had called out his name multiple times but no reply.

While Patrick looked for said person, Pete was trying to find Josh.

And he did.

And not it the best way.

"What the fuck?!" was the first thing Pete said when he opened the door to one of the guest rooms and found Josh in a tangle of limbs with someone who was definitely not Tyler.

Josh and the girl shot up quickly, looked at each other and then at Pete. "It's not what it looks like!" Josh yelled quickly.

"You know when people say that, it is exactly what it fucking looks like!! Who even is that girl?!"

Josh stuttered for words looking between Pete and the girl, who he didn't even know what her name was.

"I-I'm Lindsey."

"Well, Lindsey, I'd like you to get the fuck out of my house."


"Get. The. Fuck. Out."

Lindsey looked baffled. She was still looking between Josh and Pete, kind of confused.


Pete's sudden change of mood kind of scared her, so she scrambled for her clothes, putting them on hastily and leaving the room quickly.

Josh looked as baffled as she did before. "What was that for, man??"

"Are you fucking stupid?"


"I asked, are you fucking stupid?"

Josh didn't know what his problem was and wanted to fight back but he did not want to get on Pete's bad side. Have you seen his arms?


"Yes, yes you fucking are. We've been looking everywhere for you and Tyler. And while everyone else is desperately looking, here you are. Fucking with some girl you don't even know!" Pete yelled, pointing an accusing finger at Josh. The vein on his forehead became more prominent than before.

Tyler. Oh my god, tyler.

"W-Where's Tyler?" He asked nervously. Pete shook his head and sighed. "We can't fucking find him. We don't know where he even is."

This made Josh's heart speed a couple more beats and his stomach do a flip.

Had he caught me? Did he see me do what I did? Oh God...

[i'm writing a ryden fic and i have at least five chapters written for it and idk when to publish it lol]

Kik ✧ joshler [✔️] Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant