Chapter 6

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Me , human side , being scared out of our mind decide to let Katie take over . She sniffed out to rouge and we found it eating on a decaying deer . Katie let out a growl loud enough to scare all animals in a 50 mile  radius . The rouge turned around startled , when it realized it was another wolf it growled viciously. It started to stalk us like prey .

We watched it as it cirled around us . When it realize we weren't ganna make the first move it pounced. Katie side stepped it and turned around biting its leg. It howled in pain. It got up and pounced again aiming for our throut.  Katie jumped up grabbing its throat in midair , slamming it to the groud biting it  into submission .

Katie didn't let go because we knew never to let a rouge live . It would follow us and ever chane it would get it would attack. To say we have never trained before to any werewolf would amaze them , because as Katie would say we kicked ass.

I left the rouges body and head west of the river . Our adrenaline still pumping from the fight made us run faster . I ran hours at a time taking a break when I found water . I let my wolf take over when I became tired . I curled up in the back of our mind and drifted of to sleep.

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