I try to take his words into consideration, but the only things I feel I'm good at Quidditch.

In the end, Harry, Ron, Tay and I choose the same subjects.


"There's no way Hufflepuff will beat us," Tay says, as we walk from the Quidditch field together, following a practice. "The cup is practically ours."

"Well, as long as there's no crazy Bludgers, I think we'll do great."

Choosing to take the long way back to Gryffindor Tower, we walk through the corridors, brooms in hand.

As we near the common room, a first year with vibrant red hair pushes past us, with a book pressed against her chest.

"Hey!" Tay exclaims.
"Ginny?" I call out. "Ginny! Where are you going?"

She doesn't look back, instead, she picks up her pace.

"That was weird," I say slowly. "She shouldn't walk about the corridors alone."

"Asher is worried about Ginny," Tay says quietly, following a deep sigh. "She's his best friend. He tells me that Ginny often disappears, for hours at a time."

"Maybe she's getting tutoring or something, and she's too embarrassed to admit it," I suggest, as we reach the portrait hole,

"Maybe," Tay murmurs, before speaking the password.

We enter to see Mione, Ron and Harry sitting on the couches. We sit with them, instantly feeling tension.

"Who died?" Tay laughs nervously.

"Somebody went into our dormitory and went through my trunk," Harry tells us. "My stuff was all over the floor."


"Whoever it was, they stole the diary," Harry continues quietly. "Riddle's diary."


The next day we wake up to brilliant sunshine, along with a light, refreshing breeze.

"Perfect Quidditch conditions!" Wood says enthusiast at the Gryffindor table, loading myself and the rest of the teams plates up with scrambled eggs.

I eat slowly, looking around at the other Gryffindors, wondering which one could have stolen the diary.

Hermione suggested last night that we should report the theft, but that would just bring up too many other things that Harry and I don't want to start.

The five of us leave the hall to collect mine, Harry and Tay's Quidditch gear, and as we step foot on the marble staircase, another worry is added to our minds.

"Kill this time...let me rip...tear..."

Harry and I shout in unison, making the others jump away from us.

"The voice!" I say, looking over my shoulder.
"We've just heard it again - didn't you?"

Ron and Tay shake their heads, but Hermione, however, claps a hand to her forehead.

"Harry, Haylee - I think I've just understood something! I've got to go to the library!"

With that, she sprints away, up the stairs.

"What does she understand?" Harry says as I look around, trying to tell where the voice came from.

"Loads more than I do," Tay says, shaking her head.

"But why's she got to go the library?"

"Because that's what Hermione always does," Ron shrugs his shoulders. "When in doubt, go to the library."

"We'd better get going," Tay says. "It's almost eleven - the match."

The three of us race upstairs and grab our brooms, before running to the change rooms to change into our scarlet robes.

Along with our other team members, we walk onto the pitch to tumultuous appulse.  Wood takes off for a warm up flight, while the Hufflepuffs - dressed in canary yellow - are standing in a group huddle.

I mount my broom, and prepare to kick off, but I stop as McGonagall marches into the pitch, carrying an enormous purple megaphone.

"What the hell?" Tay mumbles from beside me.

"This match has been cancelled," McGonagall calls through the megaphone.

"What!" I shout loudly, as the crowd begins booing.

Oliver - who looks devastated - lands and runs towards McGonagall.

"But Professor!" He shouts. "We've got to play...the cup...Gryffindor..."

McGonagall ignores him and continues addressing the crowd.
"All students are to make their way back to the house common rooms, where the heads of house will give them further information. As Quickly as you can, please!"

She lowers the megaphone and beckons Harry, Tay and me over to her.

"Potters, Saunters, I think you'd better come with me..."

Confused, we follow her, as Ron detaches himself from the crowd and joins us.

"Yes, perhaps you'd better come too, Weasley."

She leads us back to the school and towards the hospital wing.

"This will be a bit of a shock," she says in an unusually gentle voice. "There has been another attack...another double attack."

My heart drops as we enter; Madam Pomfrey is leaning over a Ravenclaw girl, and on the bed beside her is a Petrified Hermione.

"Hermione!" Ron groans as a strange choking noise escapes my throat.

"No," I whisper, tears pricking at my eyes.

"They were found near the library," McGonagall says. "I don't suppose any of you can explain this? It was on the floor next to them..." she adds, holding up a mirror.

We shake our heads, as I approach Hermione's unmoving body.

Why did I let her go on her own?

Tears slip down my cheeks and I let out a shaky breath.

I should have gone with her...


The small plot twist is in the next chapter...any ideas to what it could be? Is it a huge plot twist concerning the Chamber, or a small plot twist? What do you guys think?

Also enjoy the Paramore cover of Sunday Bloody Sunday :))

Sorry for any typos

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