13. History is to Repeat Itself *

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"If they knew what they mean to us, to the lowly, the enslaved, us dregs of the magical world! Dobby remembers how it was when He Who Must Not Be Named was at the height of his powers! We house-elfs were treated like vermin, sir! Of course, Dobby is still treated like that, sir and miss." He admits, drying his eyes.

"But mostly, life has improved for my kind since you triumphed over He Who Must Not Be Named. Harry and Haylee survived, and the Dark Lord's power was broken, and it was a new dawn, and Harry and Haylee Potter shine like beacons of hope for those of us who thought the Dark Dats would never end...And now, at Hogwarts, terrible things are to happen, are perhaps happening already, and Dobby cannot let Harry and Haylee stay here now that history is to repeat itself, now that the Chamber of Secrets is open once more-"

Dobby suddenly freezes, horror-struck. He grabs Harry's water jug from his bedside table as cracks it over his head, toppling out of sight.

Moments later, he crawls back onto my bed.

"Bad Dobby, very bad Dobby..." He mutters.

"So there is a Chamber of Secrets?" I whisper. "And - did you say it's been opened before? Tell us, Dobby!"

"We're not Muggleborn - how can we be in danger from the Chamber?" Harry asks.

"Ah, miss and sir, ask no more of poor Dobby." He stutters in responce. "Dark deeds are planned in this place, but Harry and Haylee Potter must not be here when they happen. Go home, Harry and Haylee Potter. Go home. Harry and Haylee Potter must not meddle in this, tis too dangerous-"

"Who is it, Dobby?" Harry questions firmly. "Who's opened it? Who opened it last time?"

"Dobby can't, sir, Dobby can't, Dobby mustn't tell!" The elf squeals. "Go home, Harry and Haylee Potter, go home!"

"We're not going anywhere!" I say fiercely. "My best friend is Muggleborn, she'll be first in line if the Chamber really has been opened-"

"Haylee and Harry Potter risk their own lives for their friends!" Dobby moans in miserable ecstasy. "So noble! So valiant! But they must save themselves, they must, Harry and Haylee Potter must not-"

Dobby suddenly freezes, his bat ears quivering.

Footsteps are coming from outside.

"Dobby must go!" He breaths out, terrified.

There is a loud crack, and Dobby disappears into thin air.

Almost in unison, Harry and I sink back down into our beds, watching the doorway in anticipation.

The footsteps draw nearer and nearer, and finally, Dumbledore backs into the room, wearing a long woolly dressing gown and a nightcap.

He is carrying one end if what appears to be a statue. McGonagall appears seconds later, carrying the statue's feet.

Together, they heave it up onto a bed.

"Get Madam Pomfrey." I hear Dumbledore whisper, and then I see McGonagall hurry past the end of my bed, out of sight.

Laying completely still, pretending to be asleep, I begin I hear urgent voices.

McGonagall suddenly reappears, closely followed by Madam Pomfrey.

"What happened?" Madam Pomfrey whispers to Dumledore, leaning over the statue on the bed.

"Another attack," Dumbledore replies. "Minerva found him on the stairs."

"There was a bunch of grapes next to him," McGonagall adds. "We think he was trying to sneak up here to see the Potters."

My stomach gives a horrible lurch, and I carefully raise myself a few inches, so I can see the statue on the bed.

It's Colin Creevey.

His eyes are wide open and his hands are stuck up in front of him, holding his camera.

"Petrified?" Madam Pomfrey whispers.

"Yes," McGonagall replies. "But I shudder to think...if Albus hadn't been on his way downstairs for hot chocolate, who knows what might have..."

The three of them stare down at Colin, and Dumbledore leans forward and take the camera out of Colin's rigid grip.

"You don't think he managed to get a picture of his attacker?" McGonagall asks eagerly.

Dumbledore doesn't reply, instead he opens the back of the camera.

"Good gracious!" Madam Ponfrey cries, as a rush of steam hisses out of the camera, producing a acrid smell of burnt plastic.

"Melted," Madam Pomfrey says wonderingly, "all melted."

"What does this mean, Albus?" McGonagall asks urgently.

"It means," Dumbledore says, "that the Chamber of Secrets is indeed open again."

My heart jolts in my chest and I feel sick to my stomach.

Madam Pomfrey claps her hand over her mouth and McGonagall stares wide eyed at Dumbledore.

"But Albus...surely..who?"

"The question is not who," Dumbledore says. "The question is how..."

For some reason, I can't help but feel as if Malfoy isn't responsible for this.


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I'm sorry for any typos you may find, by the way.

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The next chapter should be up on the weekend.

The Potter Twins and the Chamber of Secrets {2}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon