Chapter 2

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Gerard woke suddenly. He hadn't even been aware that he fell asleep. What had just happened? He remembers everything vividly now and sits up. He's in a bed much to his surprise. How did I get here? He looks around, one steady beam of light entered the room. The only source. He saw familiar posters and a familiar work desk with paper and pencils strewn across it. He was in his own room. He gets up and looks around once more. Why was he here? He was looking for Frank last thing he remembered... Go find him, a shivery voice made itself known in Gerard's memory. He opens his door and walks down the familiar hallway. Is this even possible? He asks himself. He didn't remember planning on coming for a visit. There was a woman in the ktichen. 

"Mom?" Gerard asked, looking at the small woman. 

"Morning Gerard. Up too late were you? I told you not to work too late on those comics...." She scolds him. 

"When did I come back for a visit, Mom?" He asks and leans up against the counter. She looks at him and raises an eyebrow. 

"Where did you go?" She looks at him, concerned, "Are you feeling okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Do I still live here?" He asks. Donna's eyebrows crinkle together. 

"Did you fall and hit your head, Gerard? Of course you still live here..." She trails off as she studies the confused expression on her sons face. "I'm going to call the doctor..." 

"No, Mom I'm okay..."

"Are you sure?" She didn't sound convinced. 

"Positive." He plasters a smile on his face. "Mom, where's Mikey?" 

"Mikey? You're actually asking about your brother?" She sounds even more shocked.

"Yes. Why?"

"You haven't spoken about your brother since you had that big fight... Oh honey you're not well, please let me call the doctor." 

"Mom, I'm fine. Really. Just... nevermind..."

"You need coffee?" She asks, grabbing a mug. He smiles.


"You should really cut down on the stuff, see what it's doing to your sleep." 

"For another time, Mom..." He takes the mug off of her gratefully and sips in silently. The front door opened and Gerard's father walked in. 

"Ah good, he's up. I thought a bulldozer wouldn't wake you." He said cheerfully and patted Gerard's back. He looked at him a second time, "You okay, son?" Gerard gulps.

"Yeah, fine. Just tired."

"It's the coffee, you drink it like a horse." He notes and walks off. Gerard goes back down to his room, unable to understand what's happening. What fight? What did she mean he never left? He had to contact the guys and get this sorted out. He looked around for his mobile and finally found it. He scrolled through his contacts for Frank Iero. No results. 

"What?" He mutters to himself. He scrolls again. No result. He looks for Ray Toro and calls. After a few rings he picks up. 


"Hey Ray. What happened? Where are you guys?" He was realived at the sound of Ray's voice. 

"Gerard? That you? What are you talking about?"

"The tour... What happened?" 

"What tour? Gerard, are you drunk?" Ray sounded concerned. 

"No, I'm sober." Gerard claimed truthfully. He paused, "Do you know where Frank is?" 

"Frank? Who's Frank?"

"Frank? Frank Iero? Short guy, lots of tattoos, loves dogs, plays the guitar..." Gerard trails off. Ray is as clueless as his parents. 

"Listen, Gerard. Do you want me to come over? You don't sound the best... I mean it has been ten years..."

"Ten years?" Gerard's voice was barely audioble. 


"I've got to go." Gerard hung up before Ray could say anything. Ten years? That meant they haven't spoken since the beginning of 2002... That was around the time when My Chemical Romance was formed. Gerard felt sick. My Chemical Romance was never formed. The last ten or eleven years of his life never happened. Gerard managed to puke into the bin. 

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