The Style & Personalities of the Phandom

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Greetings my internet, meme loving people.Today we will be talking about a very important topic known as The style and personalities of the phando

Our style is what us phan worshippers choose to use to express our unique personalities.

Now if you are like Father Phil and are kawaii with a love for anime and all things unique then you might wear alot of bright colors and rare pieces. You might go for the galaxy print quite a lot and you might have some unique cat designs on some of your t-shirts. You are the rainbow of the phandom and you spread, piece, joy and kawaii-ness to the world. You are also probably quite nice and have a caring nature for others. Everyone loves you and you love everyone.However, you might also have the ability to be a little bit socially awkward. But unlike the people such as Sister Daniel, you are able to make your social awkwardness look adorable. You can get away with being strange or having embarrassing moments by using you bubbly personality to wow everyone with kawaii-ness.

However, if you are like Sister Daniel, and also me personally, and you love to listen to a variety of bands, then you probably wear a lot of black clothing. You probably are always wearing black skinny jeans of some sort and perhaps a t-shirt with one of your favorite bands on it. Also, for people like you, shopping at Hot Topic is a must, for your sensational dark style. You might even have the issue that I have where your parents call your black style "just a phase." And you've probably also had people look at you weirdly in public or call you the terms "emo" or "goth" when to be honest you are just being yourself and using the power of dark clothing to scare people away So you might have a chance of running into less awkward situations in public.
For your personality you are probably quite reserved and don't tend to like to go outside at all. You life might Condit of mainly the internet, bands, YouTube, and tumblr. You also might have a very limited amount of friends like me, because you are too antisocial to go anywhere or talk to anyone. Life is a struggle for you. But always remember that no matter what anyone says, black is not a color of sin or evil. It is actually quite in fact a glorious color that was brought to us by the elders of the fabulous killjoys comunity. So if you enjoy wearing mostly black them all I have to say is, Welcome To The Black Parade.

On the other hand, you might be a mixture of both of these. You could be kawaii, socially awkward, and still wear dark clothing; or the opposite way around. Or you might be none of these personalities and have a personality that is nothing like what I have mentioned. Either way, the only thing that matters is that you are part of the phandom and that means you are family. And even though people mind try to bring down for whatever atylenof personality you have, aways remember that you are way more fabulous than the peasants who think that you aren't fabulous because honey, you are kawaii and beautiful and I love youuuuu♡♡♡ >.<

♡ All Hail Sister Daniel and Father Phil ♡


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