Your late, your late, for a very important fate

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🌼My mind wandered around the plush green forest taking in all of it beauty. There were plants and flowers I've never even seen before I somehow knew that I wasn't in wonderland, but where the hell was I . I slowly started to look around my surroundings, I feel like I've been here before, like I've lived part of my childhood here, but that was nonsense because I spent half my life in a mental hospital, so I finally figured out that I am 100% mental. I continued walking until my feet could bare no more and my legs could stand no more. I decided upon staying the night by this little shack it had a fireplace and tons of would that would last me for probably weeks on end and I little kitchen and a hallway followed by a medium sized room, followed by a little room with a toilet and mirror.It was one of those little house that was built like a hill.

Next to the little shack was a river deep enough for me to bathe, in the toilet room I found some soap, and hair softener, as well as some clothes and shoes and socks. Why this little shack has it all I'll just stay here until someone finds me I thought. I was content. As I slipped my feet into the shockingly warm water I heaved myself into the the water and brought the soap and hair softener with me I scrubbed with all my might on my body and head as I was rinsing the soap off my body and hair I lathered on the hair softener and massaged it gently into my hair.

I sat waiting for my hair to absorb the hair softener so I could rinse. In that time I sat I thought about how my life would be back home when I was here, did anyone notice I was gone, what happens to my body, last but not least did anyone at least miss me? I knew I was a burden to everyone even my parents had told me so.

I sighed, I knew there was nothing I could do, I was stuck here until I find out where am I and what am I doing here. After about two minutes I got back in the water to rinse my hair, the water felt good and refreshing against my skin as I dipped under the water. After I was done with everything I finally decided to try in the clothes that had been previously stashed in the room. There were ugly green tights and a green v-neck with some boots.

Satisfied I went into the kitchen area and raided it it was filled with nothing but junk food that would last someone about 3 years give or take. I decided on making some chicken and rice. Then I remembered I didn't know how to cook, so I just grabbed a bag of something crunchy and left the kitchen area and ate what I got in the tiny room the bed was soft as feather and had the warmest blankets ever I made sure all the lights were off and the door and locked and covered with the bolted wood.

It looked the same as when I got there except less dusty and more homie. When I felt safe and sound I payed down in the bed and closed my eyes, the bed was so soft I fell asleep in seconds and as I started to close my eyes I saw a shadow pointing to the clock by the bed and I swear it said

"Your late, your late ,your late to hear your fate"......🌼

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2016 ⏰

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