laying in the weeds

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🌾The sunlight eliminated my face making me smile, thankful for it, I loved the sunlight, because I'm here you never were allowed to open a window curtain because it could scare some of the patients into shock, but I mean come on, they shock us anyway curtain open or not. I had to enjoy the very little time I was allowed outside, only 15 minutes, 20 if I did all my chores and ate all of my lunch food, I hated it here,

The stupid uniforms we had to wear to the way we had to comb our hair, it was all the same from the faces to the rooms we were put in. but that's what you had to expect from rosemary institution of the mentally insane. even though some of us were perfectly fine were looked like we could do some real damage, like the girl in the room next to me, she was a nice girl, shy, pretty and always kept to herself till one day she had a complete meltdown she started to scream how the red queen was coming and that the white queen wasn't there to save us this time.

Let me tell you it took 36 guards to hold her down and about 13 to sedate her and another 4 to bring her downstairs into the shock treatment room. that was the biggest meltdown since jimmy grant 2 years ago ( notice I've been for three years) and this hospital has been only open for 7 years so everything is fairly brand new give or take some of the tables and beds, luckily I was one of the few who had many privileges due to my crazy free mind for the past year, I have not and I repeat have not seen the shadow in over 2 years but who's knows maybe he'll come and visit me and we will catch up over some tea and biscuits while I sit on the comfy mattress and he'll just float up and about my room criticizing everything in the room.

I have been so good at the hospital nothing can ruin it except the shadow, he's ruined many things for me, he says its for my own good, but I don't believe him, he says that in time it will be alright for me to leave this place, But he is wrong I could never leave this place whether or not thy forced me to leave, this place has been my home for three years and I certainly cannot go back with my mother and father for they will see that i have not recovered and send me back like they have done for the past 3 years, sending me back everything it was them who had done something wrong and then blaming me on it earning another year at the hospital.

Now I lay awake thinking of all the ways my family has hurt me, but I shouldn't be thinking about them, I need to be thinking about when the shadow will visit me next so I can be prepared. I sighed afraid of what will happen the next time the shadow does decide to visit me and I shudder. I look around my room no bigger than a living room with a small flat screen tv a bed in the corner and I little dresser next to the bed I also had a bathroom adjacent to my door, this room was fit for normal teenage girl, which apparently to more than half of this facility I wasn't.

In the morning, I did my usual routine of getting up and getting dressed so that way I can grab my breakfast and go outside. My breakfast consisted of 3 eggs with the yolk 10 slices of bacon 4 sausages , 3 slices of bread, and finally some ketchup. Now that may seem like a lot but I only eat that much because I need to gain 5 pounds before my next checkup I was alittle underweight and the doctors didn't like that. So after I finished, I asked to be excused and went to go wash my hands and then left to go outside. I went down to my favorite spot in the cemetery next to the hospital and sat among the graves just humming to myself, the cemetery had weeds all the way up the tallest gravestone so I guess you could say I was lying in the weeds.🌾

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