My normal life will finally begin again

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Written by Hanna

22 March 2015

Last time I wrote that doctors had found a change in my lungs in a CT scan, and it looked like the TB had returned.

Since the last post I have been in spirometry and bronchoscopy. I was supposed to go to lung needle biopsy too, but when doctors started to do it they noticed that the change had disappeared so the doctors couldn't do the biopsy! What a relief!

The biopsy itself didn't sound a pleasant procedure and I'm terrified of needles too. So it seems now that the change was only something benign. I'm so happy.

Maybe it was all those positive comments you wrote that made this happen, thank you all. Because it looks like I'm healthy now, I can return to work, after 1,5 years of sick leave. I'm very excited about this because I've had enough sitting home doing nothing but being sick.

My normal life will finally begin again.

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