I'M SO SORRY!! (Author's note)

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Hi guys. I know there has been a really long time since the last time you all know about me, almost a year actually... First of all I want to apologize to all of you for disappearing in that extremelly rude way. I know I've probably disappointed you, or even made you mad about it, specially if you are one that I didn't write your request.

I know my apologies probably don't mean anything to most of you but still I think you all deserve an explanation. Those last years had been really tough for me in college, and the end of last course really went really wrong for me so I ended up not being able to continuing publishing.

This year I tried to focus more in my studies but didn't stop writing every time I had time since I really love it. Eventhough I've thought many times before of starting publishing again I actually felt afraid, and I still do about what you all would think from doing it after all this time and without giving an explanation. So there you had them, I hope you all forgive me or that at least you'll keep enjoying my stories.

From now on I'll start publishing stories I had written for long time ago but that I didn't have time to edit them (since I'm a bit of a mess, sorry!!). So I can't promise I'll be publishing a lot or in a short time, but at least I wanted to apologize and explain myself. But I will close the requests, if you did one when I asked I probably wrote it and I'll publish them but after all this time I don't know who requested what so I hope is there even if I can't write your name in the story. Sorry for all the bothering guys :(

P.S: I've also been working in long stories that I would want to publish too. For now I have three, Kuroo's, Bokuto's and Tsukishima's. They still need a little bit of edit, but if you like those characters from Haikyuu!! I hope you'll enjoy them if you want to read them.

I still love you all and more than glad from your support before. As always, like and comment any thought you want, no matter if it's good or bad, I'll accept all ^^

KnB x Reader one-shots (Requests closed)Where stories live. Discover now