New neighbour - Kuroko x Reader

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You have moved to a new apartment not long ago and you're still carrying your things to it, so you're putting in some heavy boxes which the guys of the moving track have left in the hallway when you heard barking from the apartment beside yours.

"Waah Kuroko!!!" a tall guy rushes out of the apartment and closes the door behind him "H-Hi, do you need help?" the red haired guy smiles.

"Oh!" you look surprised at his actions then smile back "No thank you, I'm fine" you continue to carry the boxes in.

"Hey let us help you!" he opens the door "Kuroko!"

"Oh! It's not necessary! I don't want to be a bother!" you say coming out from your apartment.

Kuroko comes out of his apartment and smiles slightly at you "It's not a problem if it's for a cute girl"

You wide your eyes and blush at his blunt statement "Ah... O-Ok... Thank you..." with that you grab another box and cover your red cheeks with it.

Kuroko takes another box in his hands and follows you while Kagami enters another.

"Where should I place it?" Kuroko asks you.

"Oh... That one in the kitchen please" you say to Kuroko "and the rest on the hall, thank you" you say to Kagami.

"Where is the kitchen?" Kuroko turns to you.

"The second door to the right, well I lead you" you start walking to there and suddenly trip.

"Oh! You're ok?" he gently grabs your wrist.

"Ah... Y-Yes" you stand up again "I-I'm just very clumsy haha" you say embarrassed and keep walking to the kitchen after picking the box again.

Kuroko follows you holding your back gently holding your back "I'll place it here?" he looks at the table.

"Y-Yeah... Th-Thank you..." you place the box there too "I-I think we should go look h-how it's your friend... I-I don't want to waste both your time too much..."

"He's training outside now" he smiles "You're not wasting my time"

You wide your eyes then chuckle a bit "You seem really kind... Thank you... I'm not used to be treated kindly by boys..." you whisper the last thing really low.

"Why is that?" he asks looking at you with his big eyes.

"Oh! Sorry it's nothing" you smile at him "So... Maybe I can thank you for your help... Ah I know! I have some cake and I can prepare some milkshakes! Oh only if you like it... I just drink a lot of them haha" you laugh a bit nervous.

"Sure, why not?" he smiles slightly.

"Ok! Then you can go to the living, sorry for the mess though. I'll bring the things in a minute!" you smile.

"Ok" he smiles and goes to the living room and sits on the couch.

After a while you enter the living room with a tray with your favourite cake and the two milkshakes and place it on the coffee table in front of the couch "Um... I'm sorry Kuroko-san, I have only vanilla milkshake, if you don't like it I can bring you another drink."

"No, it's ok I like it. Actually it's my favourite one" he smiles pleased.

"I'm glad then" you smile and cut the cake and give him the piece "Um... you're friend maybe would want something too"

"No" he chuckles slightly "I'll rather be alone with you"

You flinch and low your head hiding your pinkish cheeks with your hair "A-Alright then..." you start eating the cake feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"If I'm making you feel uneasy just say it" he says worried and sadly.

"N-No! S-Sorry... I'm just not used to this kind of situations... and less with a boy..." you say embarrassed.

"You look like you get a lot of attention from boys" he rubs his hand "That's why I want to be alone with you"

"Wh-What? Why would you think that?" you blush a bit but look confused "It's not like that at all... or at least... I don't get the attention of good boys..." you look down.

"We'll you're super cute" he blushes a bit.

You blush "Th-Thank you... you're too kind..."

"Saying the truth is not kindness" he smiles.

You wide your eyes then smile at him still blushing "I-I think living beside you is going to be difficult... i-if you keep saying things like that..."

"Oh you don't like it? I'm so sorry this won't repeat" he says lowering his head.

"N-No! I-I didn't mean that... Actually, I-I like that a boy that s-seems as good and kind like y-you... say that to me..." you hide your blushing face from him with the milkshake you have in your hand.

"Heh good then" he smiles "I wouldn't want to lose beautiful girl as you"

"S-Stop it... It's embarrassing..." you hide your flushed face more.

"I can't help it" he whispers.

Seems like you have a new interesting neighbour.


This one was requested by @PrincessInTheShadows, hope you liked it!! ^^

Sorry if maybe it's too short though...

Well, like, comment and keep requesting please!! ^^

Thanks for your support!!

KnB x Reader one-shots (Requests closed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin