Chapter 11

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  Isabelle's POV
I woke up in the morning and today is Christmas. I dressed up into my .
As I got out of my bathroom....there were presents.

They weren't there before. I thought.
I went towards my bed and picked one up. One was from Dad.
I smiled and read the note.

Isabelle, I'm sorry that I couldn't be with you.Hope you can forgive me.I told the Clan that you're alive. They were glad and they're excited to see you.
But here's a little something from me. Merry Christmas, Sweetie.

I smiled more. I understand why he couldn't come and visit me. The Clan needs him to protect them.

I opened Dad's present and it was a heart shaped locket. It was beautiful.

I opened the locket and it showed this picture in it. It's my parents.

Mom looked so beautiful. I smiled. Dad looked very happy. Then I opened another present from Hermione.

I read the note first.

Merry Christmas!! I hope you're not bored.
This is my gift for you.

And I hope you like it.


I smiled and opened her present. It was book.

Obviously. I thought.

It was the whole set of books of 'The Hunger Games'

I smiled at that.

Since when did Hermione knew I love to read? I thought.

That was my last present. I sighed. Maybe I should go and check Harry and Ron. Before I go, I grabbed their present.
I went to the Gryffindor Common Room and saw Ron.
"Hi Ron." I said.
Ron turned around and smiled.
"Hi Belle. Merry Christmas." I smiled. I pulled out his present.

"Here, Ron. It's not much." I said.
Ron opened it and he was surprised. "How did you know that I love Chocolate Frogs?" he asked.
I giggled. "I have my reasons."

Then Harry popped out of nowhere. I screamed.

"Harry! Don't scare me like that!" I scolded.

Harry chuckled.

"Sorry, Belle."
I rolled my eyes and gave him his present.

He opened it and it was a new pair of shirts.
"Thanks, Belle." he said, smiling. I smiled back.
"You're welcome."

"And we have something for you too." said Ron. I raised my brow at them.

Harry and Ron handed their presents to me.
"Open mine." Harry and Ron said, in a unison.
I giggled. I opened Harry's first.

It was a bracelet.

"It's gorgeous. Thanks Harry." I said.

Harry smiled. "You're welcome."

Then I opened Ron's. It was a Weasley shirt. I think.

"It's a Weasley Shirt. Fred and George told my mum about you. So she made you one." said Ron. I smiled more.
It was Red and it had the letter 'B' Belle for short.

"Thanks Ron. And tell your mum thanks." I said.

Ron nodded.

Then I saw Harry holding something.
"What's that you got there, Harry?" I asked.
"Oh, this." he said, looking at it.

"It's an invisibleilty cloak." he replied.

"That's awesome!" I said, smiling.

"Who's it from?" I asked.

"I don't know. It just says 'Use it well.' " Harry said, as he picked up the note. He handed it to me.

"That's odd." I mumbled. Ron and Harry nodded.
"Well, I better get going. I have other presents to give." I said.

Harry and Ron nodded. I smiled and left the Gryffindor Common Room.
I went to the Slytherin Common Room. And Salazar was there.
"What brings you here, Isabelle?" he asked.
I sighed. "Just let me in. I have something to give to Marcus."
He looked at me and nodded. He opened the door and let me.

As I got in, I heard voices from Malfoy and Marcus.

"Just tell her how you feel."
"No way! She's think differently about me."

" I interruptting something?" I asked. They both turned around.

"Not at all, Belle." Marcus replied.
I didn't smile back. I pulled out a box and handed it to Marcus.

"Merry Christmas." I said.
"Thanks." Marcus opened his present and it was a box of candy. "Thanks, Belle."
"It was nothing, it's not much though." I said. Marcus smiled.

Then I turned to Malfoy. He gulped.

I handed him a present. He looked confused.
"Well, aren't you going to accept it? I would feel bad if you don't have anything for Christmas." I said. He grabbed it, gently and opened it.

I gave him his lost necklace. You know, the one the has initials.
He looked shocked.

"You dropped it when you bumped into me. I didn't see you around, so I wrapped it." I said. He nodded in thanks.

"I gotta go. Merry Christmas." I said.
"Merry Christmas, Belle." said Marcus. I smiled.

I was about to leave until....
"W-What?" he asked.

"I hope you'll find the girl who you liked. She'll be lucky to have the necklace from you." I said.
He looked away. I smiled and left the common room.

Malfoy's POV
"I hope you'll find the girl who you liked. She'll be lucky to have the necklace from you." she said. I looked away. Then Isabelle left the common room.

"She's sweet, isn't she?" Marcus asked.
I slightly nodded. "Come on, mate. Admit it. You like her."
"Whatever. I'm going upstairs." I said, walking away from Marcus.

I got into my dormitory and sat down on my bed.

Then I looked at the necklace, just staring at the initials.

D.L.M + I.S.C

I sighed. Knowing that, I'm starting to have feelings towards her. Even though, we're 11 years old. Guess this feeling will have to wait.

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