Welcome to Jersey

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Hannah's P.O.V

Today would have been a usual Friday. Get up, brush teeth, get dressed, eat breakfast, let the dogs out. Except it wasn't like that. Today was our very first day in our new house. So much needs to be done today. We flew in late last night from California, all together it took us 14 hours to get to jersey. We got home and just crashed out on the floor because our house is filled with boxes of our belongings. today's activity...... unpacking, a lot of unpacking.

At the moment, I was folding the last few articles of my clothing as I stood at one end of the local laundry mat. Now you may be wondering why I am at a laundry mat and that is because we have yet to set up the wash room in the new house. My iPhone is blasting Tove lo's new song "Talking bodies"... One of my favorite songs.

"Now if we're talking body
You got a perfect one
So put it on me
Swear it won't take you long
If you love me right
We fuck for life
On and on and on...."

I quietly sing to myself. As I finished up with the last bit of laundry, I load everything into the basket and walk outside. The bus would be here in five minutes I think to myself. I try to balance the basket on my hip as I move my curls out of my face. I know what you're thinking... why take the bus? It's because my brother Jake dropped me off and before he could pick me up my mom took the car and told me to just take a bus home. Yay public transportation...... Note the sarcasm.

The bus finally arrives. I struggle up the stairs and take a seat in the back of the bus. The A/C is closer to the back so i'd rather sit at the end, to keep cool. The bus was nearly empty, the driver and an elderly lady were the only other ones occupying the space. I plug my headphones into my ears and rest my head against the head rest.

Grayson's P.O.V

I was walking down the streets in my usual clothing: a muscle tank, some khaki shorts, and my all black vans. All of a sudden I hear an ear piercing screech.

"Grayson freaking Dolan OH MY!!!" I look up, uh oh. A small crowd of girls begins sprinting towards me. This is very unusual, sure I get some girls ask for a picture or whatnot but never has any one of them ran at me. "I need to get out of here" I mumble to myself Only problem is Ethan has the car and he'll never make it to me in time. I take off running, I zone out the screaming girls and concentrate on the padding of my feet against the side walk.

It's been a few blocks since I took off running away from the group of girls and My legs are getting tired. these shoes are NOT in good shape for walking... let alone running. I am almost positive that these new shoes have rubbed a bunch of blisters onto my feet. I look around, trying to find a good escape method. A bus was pulling up a few yards away. Yus. I run towards the bus, waving like a mad man.

"STOP! PLEASE! STOP!" It slows down and opens the doors. "GO, QUICK" I yell as I run into the bus. The driver nods and continues with the rest of his route. I walk along the bus isle, nodding to an elderly lady. "She seems sweet" I think smiling to myself. At the back, sits a girl around my age. She's listening to music, her eyes are closed... I'm sure she is asleep. I decided to take the seat infront of her. facing her I observe her features.

She is about average height, and very lean. Her long curly red hair is blowing swiftly in the air coming from the vent. Some high waisted shorts are covering her lower half, with a blue and white tie dye top that read 'nothing is real' She looks unique, beautiful. Next to her, is a large basket of clothing. She must have just gotten out of the laundry mat, because the smell of the clean linens fill the atmosphere.

My phone rings loudly, pulling me out of my thoughts, "should have put that on silent" I inwardly curse myself. It's  a text from my brother Ethan.

I'm headin out the door I'll be there is 20 to get you

Nah it's okay I'm taking a bus be home in a bit

I press send. Sighing loudly, I look up and see her awake.

"Sorry if I woke you" I smile

"It's okay, to be honest if you hadn't of woke me up I probably would've missed my stop." She chuckles

"Why so tired?" I ask casually

"Oh I just moved her from Cali and we got in late last night after a 14 hour flight" she says yawning

"Ooo yeah jet lag will get ya" I laugh

"No kidding" she replies laughing

"Well...welcome to jersey, maybe I can show you around sometime" I smile

"Maybe" she replies

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2015 ⏰

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