Chapter 2 (gas hound)

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Doctors p.o.v

The doctor whipped around to get a good look at the wolf, the creature had very long greenish teeth with the head of a panther, the body of a wolf, and the feet had talons like an eagle on all four. It howled the eerie howl again and glowing green dust spiraled from its mouth. The doctor instantly knew what it was. He gasped and shook his head.

Clara's p.o.v

"gas hounds. Why does it have to be gas hounds" he leaned down and whispered to Clara " what ever you do, do NOT breath in that gas"

About forty more hounds appeared infront of them blocking the path to the TARDIS only leaving the option of running away from it.

clara looked at him "should we be running?" And he nodded grabbing her coat and flinging her down the path "RUN!" He yelled she did just that.

But she was a slow runner so the doctor and the hounds quickly caught up. The doctor slowly ran ahead of her. She could see a huge clearing in the forest ahead if her with a single large tree in the middle. Then she realized something the branches were climbable she yelled to the doctor

"Doctor the tree!" He started running faster toward the tree. There was now about 10 meters between her and the doctor and she was half way to the tree. She turned her head to look at the hounds but when she did there was only about 3 meters of space. She looked back only to see a rock in the middle of where she put her foot.

It rocketed out and she stumbled but managed to catch her self. But not fast enough she fell face first onto the ground when she got the full force of four taloned feet on her back.

Doctors p.o.v

Moments before Clara's attack

I was almost to the tree if I could just grab a branch to climb up. He jumped and grabbed a branch lifting himself up only then remembering he had Clara with him. He looked up only to see a hound jump and land on Clara.she screamed and hit the ground the hound rolled her over and pressed on her chest making her breath out. Then the green gas leaked out it mouth and covers Clara she took a little gasp then started coughing madly and started shaking un controllably.

The doctor watched in horror as she started flailing her arms as her muscles abandoned her.


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