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it was dark. I could hear the sound of water lightly tapping the floor, falling down in a fascinating rhythm. I tried to move, but my body was weak. I was tied up to what seemed like a floor. thoughts ran through my mind horrifically fast.where was Phil? was he alright ? where am I? my question was answered when a what seemed like a metal door was opened, letting in blinding light. I was in a basement.
a man with black hair walked in the room, face covered, so I couldn't really see. "you're awake" the man said, I could recognize that voice anywhere. it was Phil. "Phil! what are you-" I was cut off by a horrible pain on my back, a whipping noise coming with. I could feel it making marks into my back, tears falling from my eyes onto the floor. "you fucking slut" Phil yelled as he whipped me again and again, making my back blister. he then stopped, throwing the whip to the side and pushing his hand through his black hair. "wh-hy Phil-" "shut the fuck up" Phil cut me off, making my body jerk. he then grabbed my chin and tilted my head up, connecting my eyes with his. his eyes were not Phil's. not his tender loving blue eyes. they were demonic.filled with sadness and pain. he was turning into a monster, his physical state being consumed. what happened? what happened to that innocent raven haired boy? Dan was cut out of his thoughts as Phil slapped him, making his face sting. he slapped him once more, then walking out of the metal door and slamming it on his way out.
the next day, Dan couldn't even move his eyes. he was hungry, sad, and in pain. he hadn't slept in over twenty-four hours, scarred if he did, he would never wake up. he jumped as the metal door was opened again,Phil holding a shovel in his hands. the next thing he knew, the shovel was brought to his skull, and he was out cold.
I woke up in a bed, light covering every inch of the room. it was Phil's. the familiar sent made me feel like I was home, but the memories of what happened flooded my mind in an instant.I struggled to get free of the ropes that were holding me to the mattress, but it was no use. I was slowly just giving up, the realization, i may die today. the realization the man i love might be the person who does it. I've gotten to the point where I don't think I can officially say 'human', because I am unsure.The bed room door slowly opened, and Phil walked in, holding a knife, and a package of something. This is when i realized that I am going to die. Just by the twisted face of the man who once was Phillip Michael Lester, I knew I was going to die.He stumbled to me, looking at my body, smiling when he met my eyes, a sinister laugh came from his lips, and he mumbled something to himself, that made my whole body tremble. he set down the package of something and that's when I saw it. Lemons. Phil held the knife, looking where he was going to start. I felt my body shaking, I knew what was going to happen. I was right, I'm going to die. Phil placed the blade to my stomach, and i felt it jab in quickly, again and again, my lungs on fire, blood dripping onto the colorful bed sheets. my eyes flickered open,one of the worse pains I have ever felt in my life. I looked down and saw a horrifying sight. My whole stomach cut open. I could see almost everything. I'm surprised i didn't pass out then and there. " I want you to see everything" phil whispered, moving the knife to my face.He then cut the tip of my lip off. I cannot explain the physical pain I was feeling in this moment. he then cut a half of my eyelid off, so I could still blink, but the blood getting in my eyes stung horribly. he then grabbed a lemon out of the bag, opening the lemon, and squeezed the juices inside of my cut-opened stomach. I cannot,again, describe the horror of the pain I was in, so I will just let you imagine it.he then opened something in my stomach and squeezed lemon into that as well.he then got up, and walked out of the room, returning with pliers.he then walked over to me, pulled open my mouth, and pulled out one of my teeth, throwing it to the side. I couldn't cry, I couldn't speak. I was in such pain all I could do was feel. he then pulled out the rest of my teeth, and poured lemon juice into my mouth, closing it. he leaned in and kissed me, a tear falling from his cheek. "i'm sorry"he whispered, and then leaning up to look into my eyes, that were now full of nothingness, the feeling of death filling my body, ready to let go.he then grabbed the knife, his hands shaking, and put it to my throat, cutting deeply, and slowly. the blood squirting everywhere. I tried to catch my breath, but failed, making the blood flow increase. My soul was leaving my body, I could feel myself vanishing into an a bliss.And the last thing, I ever tasted, smelled, felt, was the sour,sweet,bitterness of

a lemon.

the end

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