
She didn't even get the chance to tell him or even send a letter. Perhaps Charlotte did, but she doubted it. Charlotte despised him with all of her black heart. Whenever Clara was with Booker, all he did was talk such sweet things about her mother that could make her vomit. She never believed how generous Charlotte could have been. Perhaps he was just making them up. Clara knew she had to find a way to contact him, or at least someone to let him know she was alright. Who knows what was going through his head right now.

"You know, I can't really go anywhere unless you want to fall off the horse," he said, turning his head to notice her sitting their blankly. She eventually shook herself out of it, looking around at the saddle before clenching her jaw. He planned this didn't he? Maybe he was a flirt after all.

"Do you mind if I...?" she questioned, her hand sneaking under his arm to rest gently against his abdominal, the other on his hip. Could this get anymore awkward? Of course she was enjoying it and wouldn't dare show her red face to him, but she needed to shake this away. He was a young man who probably was just taking her somewhere and she was making a big deal about this. Of course he never answered her question but softly nodded, noticing his head was looking down at her hands. Eventually he looked up, his heels gently pressing to the horse as it began to trot steadily, Clara's grip tightening slightly on his body. His hand gently rested on hers gently to get her to calm down but soon he moved it away.

"Never ridden a horse before?" he asked, an unknown smile on his face according to Clara.

"I have, yes. Just never with another fella," she stated, feeling the speed of the horse get faster and she easily adjusted. By now both her arms were firmly around his stomach, knowing if she didn't she'd either fly off or be bouncing like hell on that horse. They rode for some time in silence, the forest turning into the soft yellow plains that looked rather familiar. This was most of what she had seen in the wagon while on the trails. This time it looked a little bit more majestic and real though. There was no dirt-like road, no people in sight from what she could see. With him it just seemed simpler, better, and more natural.

Passing through small hills, they reached the top of one until reaching a very green area. Clara peeked over his shoulder, seeing a great pasture and fenced area. Within those fences were what seemed to be hundreds, if not even a thousand horses spread out among the area. Clara was going to ask what they were doing here, but he already started heading that direction and she didn't want to distract him. Eventually they reached the area, a few tipis near the corner. So these were Sioux horses, and obviously of great importance to be guarded with nearly thirty men.

"All these men for some horses?" She beckoned, feeling the horse stop and Chayton slide off easily. He extended his hand out but she jumped off easily, touching his arm gently. She didn't need help with everything.

"The Sioux value a lot, Clara, but the thing we value most are horses. White people have fancy coins and green paper to trade items with. We use horses. Horses are the reason we live. We cannot travel without them, we cannot trade without them. Our lives depend on them," he tried to explain, "I know it might seem rather strange-"

"No, I understand it. It is your currency..." she said, walking towards the thick posts of wood and standing on the lowest one, trying to see the closest horse. Chayton stared at her for a moment before walking towards the other men. He was too far for her to try and hear what he was saying, knowing she wouldn't even understand most of it anyways, but he eventually returned, standing on the fence with her.

"When does someone earn a horse?" she asked.

"When girl becomes woman, and when boy becomes man. There are ceremonies for such things and they are granted a horse. Sometimes, when it is necessary to move in case of war, they are given the ponies. For now, it is when the time is given. When girl starts to bleed, a horse is given to her and her family. When a boy reaches maturity, perhaps thirteen or twelve of age, there is a specific ceremony for that," he said, looking at her.

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