Chapter three

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"So your saying I'm descended from the spirit of winter and fun?" Shaun muttered. Mr Manny nodded. "And the others?" Shaun looked at the four kids he'd been playing with in the snow.

"I'm descended from the tooth fairy." Diente said proudly.

"Santa Claus." Noel bellowed.

"Sandman..." Sandy mumbled.

"The Easter rabbit." Coney said.

Shaun tapped the table for a while. "Well, that seems perfectly reasonable." He said standing up and walking to the door. "Along with flying pigs and unicorns." The let himself out of the room quietly and without a ruckus.

"Told ya he was the wrong kid." Coney mumbled. But the others weren't listening they were staring in awe at the window near where Shaun had been sitting. Beautiful patterns of icy ferns had spread across the surface.

---------Just outside the school---------

Pitch was making his way to the general area the man in the moons beam fell, when a small boy stormed out of the school yard. He wouldn't have payed any attention to the child if he had not heard the grumbling complaints.

"How stupid do they think I am? Just because I'm younger than them they expect me to believe in such a thing?! Like hell I'm a descendant from Jack Frost. They are all insane." He muttered furiously. And though the boy did not notice, every step he took froze a puddle. Pitch was intrigued. Had the boy not realised his power awakening? Pitch could see it now. His resemblance to that goody goody Jack Frost. It was uncanny, he was almost the splitting image of him.

And as he thought this, an evil plan began to brew. But he needed a way to communicate with the boy. So pitch followed the child home. He could enter his dreams but that would make it less believable. He needed a way of communicating to him while he was awake. The boy was greeted by a woman who was not his mother and she called him Shaun. "We'll be having chicken for dinner tonight." She said grabbing his hand and smiling. She didn't seem at all surprised the the boy was home early. "Your hand are deathly cold. Go sit in front of the fire and warm up."

Pitch sat by the fire as the boy began to read. 'For the spirit of fun he's not very fun.' Pitch thought. Then he saw a pen and note pad on the table. "I wonder." He said. He picked up the pen and waved it around. The boy continued to read. Pitch poked the boy with the pen. He looked up expecting to see someone but saw only a floating pen. He squinted and looked around to see if anyone else was around. Pitch opened the note pad. The boy stood up and peered at the note pad. "Curiouser and curiouser..." He mumbled.

---------Shaun's living room------------


Shaun stared at the elegant writing on the note pad. He looked around again for any sign that a joke was being played on him. The pen underlined the word. Shaun picked up the note pad and ran up to his room where the pen followed. It underlined the word again.

"Hi." Shaun said. "Um who are you?"

'A better question would be "what are you?" Would it not?'

"But I know you are not a what. A what would be unable to talk, well write, therefor you must be a who." Shaun explain.

'Cannot fight with that logic. Very well then. My name is Pitch Black. You are?'

"Shaun Frost." Shaun answered.

'Frost you say? How very peculiar I have an... "Acquaintance" call Jack Frost. Perhaps you've heard of him?'

"I have. Too often if you ask me." Shaun said getting frustrated again.

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