Prologue: Fear returns

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A frozen pond surrounded by trees stripped of all their leaves during the winter season. An old bed frame stands solemnly alone amongst the trees in the dark night. The only light is the moon. All is quiet. A lone rabbit ventures near the bed and is snatched up by a spider-like hand. A shadowy figure crawls out from under the bed. "Hey Hate get a look at this." The figure said.

"A rabbit? Why would I care about a rabbit? I HATE rabbits!" Snapped a second figure as it also crawled out from under the bed.

"Yeah, yeah you hate everything. What do you think Sorrow?" The first figure asked as a third emerged from under the bed.

"Very n-nice Greed." It replied.

"I know right? It's fur is so fluffy and white. I wish I had hair like that. Don't you think I'd look pretty Pitch?" Greed said to the fourth and final figure.

"Black suites you more my dear Greed. It complements your black eyes." Pitch said. Greed grinned and threw the rabbit away and laughed as it scrambled back to its warren.

Greed and Hate began to bicker about the rabbit while Sorrow stood clutching his arm in the unsure way he did. Pitch just grinned at the moon.

"I'm back old friend. Where could your dear guardians be? I've got my allies, where are yours?" He said.

Greed, Hate and Pitch began to laugh and Sorrow stared at the last place the rabbit had been seen.

"Awwww does Sorrow miss the wabbit?" Greed teased.

"N-no Greed. I just d-don't feel like laughing." Sorrow muttered. While the group was distracted a beam of light shone down from the moon and touched the earth. Pitch's eyes flashed with glee.

"Things are going to get interesting."

Meanwhile an old man awakes from his sleep with fright and looks down at his grandson then at the moon. "He's back isn't he?" He whispered.

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