Chapter twelve

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She was shaking... really it felt like every bone in her body was attempting to shatter. The elevator doors closed with a whoosh and the ascent began, Angel could not help remember the last time she rode an elevator in this building going up to the top floor - the feelings came back and this time they were accompanied with the undeniable knowledge that this visit was going to change everything and possibly end in more tears.

She tried deep breaths, she knew that once the doors protecting her from this stranger opened there would be no time to find composure. She had to do this, for her kids... 

Angel smiled slowly to herself, as she thought of her wonderful babies and how much they deserved everything and anything she could give them and so much more... this was the more... Mathew Davis was going to be the more...

Mathew put a call to his assistant,"Hold all my calls and cancel any meeting until i am through here please."  He was nervous, he was smart enough and tired enough to realize that the sleepless nights and the stress of this situation was messing with his usual calm, not that he would ever tell anyone that the real reason he was not sleeping was because of the woman riding up the elevator that very moment. 

Matt had chosen not to meet Angel at the ante room outside his office, he need time to get himself right but also this was a power play and he intended to have home court advantage. why not put her on the back foot and okay maybe he knew exactly how intimidating he looked behind the large mahogany desk with the best view of Settle behind him... it was about getting the best of an opponent and he needed to remember that Angel was his opponent - even if she was his walking wet dream.

The doors of the elevator opened and Angel felt her heart kick up a notch, this was it. 

The ante room which housed Mathews' assistant looked the same way it did when she was last here and right that moment, Angle did not need memories of that painful encounter with Mark as she was about to meet his older brother - ironically, to discuss the future of the very babies his brother wanted dead.

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