Chapter 54: One Word DRAMA

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"Albus, what the heck is going on?" Holly asked him, now concerned.

He gulped. "I saw something, Holly. Something I really wish I hadn't seen."

"A dead hippogriff? A boggart?" Holly guessed.

"No!" Albus hissed, but quickly changed his tone. "I-I saw Scorpius snogging...Natalia Zabini. In the Slytherin locker room."

Holly's face paled. "What?"

Albus sighed and explained to Holly what exactly he saw. As he told the story, Holly's face increasingly grew more shocked. It almost seemed too horrible to be true. How could they possibly break the news to Rose?

"She deserves to know eventually," Holly said, ostensibly reading Albus's mind.

She was right. As much as Albus didn't want to betray his best friend for something stupid that he did, he couldn't hide something like that from his cousin. It would devastate Rose, and most likely end a great relationship, but at least she would know the truth. Besides, Albus and Holly were equally both bad at keeping secrets for long periods of time. Guilt would creep in if they didn't tell Rose soon.

"I really don't want Scorose to end," added Holly, sadness clear in her voice.

"Wait, Scor-what?" Albus questioned, feeling incredibly naive.

Holly giggled. "It's their relationship name. Scor and Rose equals Scorose."

Albus didn't know how to reply to that, so he agreed with what she said before, "Yeah, I don't want them to end either. I can't even see them without each other."

The two sat in silence as Albus tried to imagine Scorpius and Rose as anything other than a couple. It was practically impossible. The two were the epitome of couples.

"Maybe we should confront Scorpius about it," Holly proposed. "Where is he?"

"Probably still snogging Zabini," grumbled Albus, feeling nauseous at the thought.

As if on cue, the door burst open and in came the culprit. Scorpius stormed into the room and froze in place at the sight of Albus and Holly. The poor guy appeared traumatized.

No, I am not going to pity him, Albus told himself.

Suddenly Holly stood up and walked over to Scorpius, giving him a well-deserved smack upside the head. Albus couldn't help but grin.

"Ow! What was that for?" Scorpius yelped, cupping the back of his head. Albus noticed his bottom lip was bleeding and he was slightly flushed. He glared at Scorpius and thought, I know what you did.

"For being an arse!" Holly snapped, her voice at the loudest point Albus had ever heard from her. He felt especially proud to call her his girlfriend at that moment.

Scorpius's face fell. He knew they were on to him.

"I can explain," he replied, noticeably swallowing hard.

* * *

Something about playing Quidditch made you feel amazingly free.

The flying, the swift movement, the wind hitting your face. It was incredibly riveting.

It made Rose forget about the various stresses in her life. During the Quidditch match, she didn't think once about her piles of homework due soon or upcoming exams. All she was focused on in the short twenty minute game was her one goal, to chase down that Quaffle. What made it more enjoyable was getting to play alongside her friends; especially Scorpius.

Something about seeing Scorpius so incredibly focused on catching the golden Snitch was fascinating to watch. And I daresay, attractive. Rose had been particularly attached to him since they started speaking to each other again after their little bump in their relationship at Halloween. She been craving to kiss him all the time, proving to everyone that she was his and he was hers. Especially to that nasty Natalia Zabini.

Rose shook the thought of the beautiful Slytherin witch out of her mind, savoring how happy she felt about Gryffindor's Quidditch victory. A party was being thrown in the Gryffindor common room, which Rose was actually quite excited about. Now she understood the big hype about Quidditch, being apart of the team. A hard-earned win deserved celebration.

She and Lily strode into Gryffindor common room, whilst being bombarded with cheering peers. Several kids she knew congratulated them, lightly patting their backs as they walked by. Rose could get used to this.

Then Hugo joined the girls as they each grabbed bottles of butterbeer, clinking them together as they took sips. Rose's once short, frail little brother had sprung up in height this year. It was sort of strange being able to look Hugo straight in the eye now and not down at him.

"Dad's gonna flip when he finds out you're on the Quidditch team," he told Rose, his freckly nose scrunching up like a rabbit's as he chuckled.

Oh dear. Rose hadn't sent a letter to her parents yet telling them she'd made the Quidditch team. It would definitely come as a surprise to them; she could imagine her father fainting. Rose and Hugo were never the types of children to play Quidditch when they were young.

"We'll have to write him soon, then," Rose suggested, giggling at the thought of her father's reaction, and at the fact they'd have to use Hugo's owl to send the letter. Rose's barn owl named Belinda had passed away two years ago, so she decided to just share Hugo's owl Pigwidgeon II (their father's idea as a joke). Hopefully the not-very-intelligent owl could deliver the letter correctly this time.

While Lily and Hugo joked about poor Pigwidgeon II, Rose's eyes detected Albus and Holly across the room in deep conversation. She slipped away from her brother and cousin and made her way over to them. She swore she saw them glance at her and Albus immediately dragging Holly up the stairs. Rude much.

Rose decided to follow them, tiptoeing up the creaky steps leading up to the boys' dormitories. Once she reached Albus and Scorpius's room, she leaned against the closed door and listened intently to their hushed voices. What was so important that her own best friends didn't want her to know about it?

"I saw something, Holly. Something I really wish I hadn't seen," she heard Albus say. Rose's heart sped up in anticipation.

"A dead hippogriff? A boggart?" Holly said.

"No!" Albus hissed at her, but then his voice became softer. Rose's strained her ears to hear what he said next, and she almost wished she didn't hear it. "I-I saw Scorpius snogging...Natalia Zabini. In the Slytherin locker room."

Rose felt her heart shatter, and her eyes fill with hot tears. She held her hand over her mouth to restrain herself from letting out a sob.

How could Scorpius do this to her? Especially with Natalia Zabini, of all people? Did that passionate kiss Rose gave him this morning mean nothing to him?

Not waiting to hear to rest of the story, Rose quickly and quietly walked away, then took off to her room and slammed her door, locking it. As soon as the door shut, she let out a shaky sob, collapsing painfully on the wooden floor on her knees.

Rose thought she felt true emotional pain when she saw how utterly broken Scorpius looked after they had awoken from the comas. But this was on a whole new level. She didn't consider the pain she felt on any kind of level. It made her heart physically hurt.

A single word kept replaying over and over again in Rose's mind, until she finally cried herself to sleep. Why, why, why, why why?

~ ~ ~

I feel like a terrible person omg...

So...yeah. That just happened.

I wanted to tell you guys that I started school this week, and that it is NOT going to keep me from updating. I'm pretty bad at keeping promises on here, but I can assure you that this story will go on no matter how stressful my school work load gets. I just want to make this clear.

Anyways, so when do you guys start school? I hate that I had to start so early!

Alright, you know the drill! Vote, comment, and please share! I love seeing the views on this story continuing to rise! Thank you for that! :) See ya! *infinite kissy faces and hearts*

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