chapter 5 (Edited)

Start from the beginning

"Yes sir. Love you" I tell him

"Love you too" He says

"OK Abs go home and pack and I will see you in a hour and same goes for you Manny" I say smiling

Their jaws were dropped and I smirked. They nodded and I headed to the car that was waiting for me. 

"Where to Ms.?" The driver says

"Back to the hotel please" I tell him 

He nods and starrts driving. About ten minutes later we pull up to the hotel and I carry all the bags inside and Jace pounces on me trying to look in the bags. I popped his hands and he backed down. I took them to the bedroom to see Axel talking to his twin brother. His brother nods at me and I nod back and start packing our things. 

"What are you doing?" Axel asks

"Well it would appear that i'm packing our things. I have plans for all of us. You will be working from home for the next three days" I tell him

"No Lex I can't" He says

"You can and you will. I already handled everything. We are having family time and you will be there or you will be sleeping in the dog house with China" I tell him 

He huffs and I glare at him and he smiles at me and walks over pecking my lips. I sigh and turn to face his brother.

"Would you like to join us? I have a lot planned out for everyone. One more won't hurt" I ask him

"Um I don't know" He says nervously looking at Axel

"Everyone deserves a second chance" I whisper in his ear

"You should come bro. If Lex planned it and she is cooking you won't want to miss this" He tells his brother

"Um sure. Can I bring someone with me?" He asks looking at me

"Is it a female friend?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows

His face goes bright red and I smirk and walk over pinching his cheeks.

"Yes it's a lady friend and I know you know what happened but this is different. I don't want you to think of me like that cause I have changed" He says nervously

"It's not place to judge you til I know you myself. Yes I know what happened but if you say you have changed then i'm willing to give you a chance. But the first time you cross me I will hand you your ass on a silver platter. Do you understand me?" I ask him

"Yes ma'am" He says stepping closer to hug me but stops

I roll my eyes and hug him. 

"Thank you" He whispers

I lean back and nod at him and wink and walk back over and start packing. 

"Lex baby what is in those bags?" Axel says stepping towards them

"No sir. No peeking. Now pack your stuff." I tell him

He huffs and starts packing. 

"Huff at me one more time and you will be on the couch tonight. I have had a good day and I don't need you attitude today"  I snap at him

He nods and walks over and kisses me hard. 

"I'm sorry. But he caught me off guard and so did you." He says

"Sorry. Let's go." I tell him grabbing all my bags

I walk out to see everyone waiting on us. 

"Is everyone ready to go?" Axel asks

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