Chapter 2 (Edited)

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I woke up the next morning with a arm wrapped around my waist. I squealed really loud causing the person to shoot up and fall off the huge bed. I hear him groan and I roll to look down. I bust out laughing and he peeks a eye open at me. 

"Oh my god... I'm so... sorry.. I forgot you were behind me... Are you ok?" I say still laughing

He chuckles and looks up at me. 

"I'm fine Lex. That's the first time I've slept through the night in a long time. I should barrow you more often" He mumbles

"Surprisingly after you started on my back I was out like a light. I have never passed out that fast. I guess I really was tired." I say

"What time is it?" He asks

"Ten" I sigh gapsing

"Holy shit I'm late" He says jumping up

"Woah wait stop" I tell him

"What is it?" He asks

"Your already late. Call them and tell them you aren't coming in today. We are going to make this place a little more Alexis friendly. And then I'm going to make lunch and we are going to rent movies and enjoy one care free day." I tell him

"Why the hell not" He says picking up his phone

I grin and he smiles back at me. 

"Well don't just sit there go shower" He says

"Can I barrow your tub? It has jets" I say pouting

"Fine." He says chuckling

"See we should be like this around each other. Maybe we won't want to kill each other every five seconds" I tell him jumping up

The covers get tangled around my feet and I feel myself falling. I close my eyes waiting on the pain but it never comes. I open to eyes to see Axel looking down at me.

"Are you ok?" He asks

"Yeah I tend to get overly excited when I get my way and don't look before I try to walk" I tell him

"Well slow your roll for a hour and then we will go shopping" He tells me

I nod and he releases me and the door bell rings. I look at him and he looks at me and I take off running and he chases me. He catches me around my waist as I grab the door knob. 

"Alexis, Axel what in the world?" Amy says

"Oh sorry. We were fighting over who was going to answer the door. Well not really fighting we were actually playing. What can I do for you mom?" Axel asks

"Just want to check on Alexis but I see she's fine. And why aren't you two at work?" She asks

"Well we woke up late and Lex talked me into not going in today so we could make this place more Lex friendly and we are doing a junk food and movie day" Axel tells her

"Are you serious? Mister I never eat junk food and work out like eight hours a day?" Amy says

My eyes bug out and I stare at him shocked.

"Yes mom. Now we would like to get back to it." He tells

"Axel you be nice to your mother. Now Amy would you like a cup of tea?" I ask

He huffs and I wink at him.

"No thank you sweetie. You two enjoy your day and maybe we could retry dinner later this week?" She asks

"I would love to" I tell him

"Ok then. Have fun" She says hugging me and kissing Axel's cheek

She leaves and Axel looks at me and stares.

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