Chapter 1 (Edited)

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I was sitting at my desk when my dad just walks in without knocking. 

"Son your mother and I have found you a secretary and no you need one and you will have one. And you can't fire her only I can. I pay her salary not you. Now be nice and meet the lovely young lady your going to working with." He says

"Dad with the fuck no!" I shouted

"Young man watch your mouth" My mother says

"Sorry mom." I tell her

"Now Alexis come in here" Dad says

Soon the door opens again and a tall brunette wearing a grey pencil skirt, white sleeveless blouse walks in.

"Hello Mr. Thorn, I'm Alexis Petrova." She says sticking her hand out for me to shake

I reached out slowly and shook her hand. 

"Pleasure I'm sure" I hiss

"Axel enough" My dad roars

Alexis flinches and steps back.

"Sorry there sweetie. But he needs to know his manners that I know he knows." My mom says patting her shoulder

"I'm sorry Alexis" I say to her

She nods and offers a sad smile. Damn I want her already but I don't want a secretary. 

"Now Alexis you will join us for dinner tonight cause I want to know my son is treating you right." Dad says

"Sure sir. Now I have work to do and i'm sure your amazing wife here would like some time with her husband so shoo" Alexis says

My eyes bug out with how she just spoke to my dad and I smirk thinking he will fire her. 

"Now you my little spitfire I like very much. So how about it my amazing wife, Lunch?" He asks my mom

"Sure honey. And thank you Alexis. And don't let Axel bully you. Put him in his place if you need to." My mom tells her

"Oh I certainly will Mrs. Thorn. I'm here to work and work only. No time for play time." Alexis says seriously

My mom and dad walk out closing the door and Alexis faces me. I open my mouth to speak and she holds up her hand.

"Look I know about you and your type. Don't hit on me or try to get me in your bed cause it won't happen. Just tell me what you want done and i'll get it done. And I never work late. Those were my rules to taking this job. Now what can I do for you Mr. Thorn?" She asks

"Just file those folders and make a lunch reservation for two at the Italian restaurant down the street. You will be joining me for lunch this one time so I can at least know a few things about you if we are going to be working together." I tell her

"Very well. Oh and you have a meeting in five" She says walking out swaying her hips

Alexis' (pov)

I swayed my hips a little more than usual and walked out of his office closing the door. I put the files away and made the reservations and got things ready for his meeting. I got up to take some papers to him and I knocked.

"Come in" He says

I walk in and place the papers on his desk while he was on his conference call. He nodded and said goodbye to the mall on the screen.

"Ready for lunch?" I asked

"Sure." He says

"Good i'm starving" I say

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