He pulled away with great difficulty, his breathing hard. "I should probably take a shower first," he said in uncertainty, while his arms remained wrapped around my waist.

I shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant. In truth, all I wanted was to go back to not talking. Besides, what was a shower for, when we were going to get sweaty anyway? "Sure," I replied knowingly, "if you don't want to take a shower with me after this. Go right ahead,"

That was all I needed to say before he kissed me again, and this time, he didn't pull away.


Wally and I were lying on our bed, with his ear pressed against my growing baby bump.

"What do you think he looks like?" Wally whispered.

"I don't know," I replied just as softly while I stroked his red hair. "But I hope he has your eyes."

Wally finally pulled away from my stomach and laid down next to me, pulling me close so I could snuggle in his arms. With a content sigh, I closed my eyes and listened to his heartbeat. "I can't believe Bruce is sending you guys away."

I didn't even need to open my eyes or look up to know he was frowning. I could tell from just the sound of his voice. "Don't worry, babe. I'm sure this will all end quickly," I reassured him, my arms tightening around his waist and hoping it was the truth.

"I hope so," Wally murmured. "After all, we only have two weeks before I get to make you officially mine."

"I've been yours since you Zeta Tube-d into Mount Justice and tripped all over yourself, Baywatch," I replied with a grin, this time looking up and meeting his eyes.

His frown slowly morphed into a small smile. "I know, but I can't wait for you to become Mrs. Wally West."

I rolled my eyes, but deep down, I was just as excited. "You're so impatient, Wallace Rudolph West."

"Babe, I told you not to call me that," he complained with a frustrated groan. "You know I hate my whole name."

"I know," I told him cheekily before placing my head back on his chest and shut my eyes.

Wally growled, his arms also tightening around me. "I swear to God, if you weren't so pregnant right now-"

I laughed again. "Easy tiger. Besides, you only have to wait a few more months."

"Four. I'm counting."

"I don't doubt it," I replied, still smiling. "I'm also counting."


Even though Tim was quiet as he sat in front of his computer, I could tell he was frustrated.

He hadn't taken his eyes off the screen since we entered the library two hours ago, seemingly absorbed with his task. After bookmarking my copy of A Tale of Two Cities, I placed it on the coffee table beside the couch I was lying on. Stretching out my sleepy muscles, I finally made my way over to my boyfriend. Standing behind his chair, I peered at what he was working on. It was a file on someone named Jared Haynes. "What're you working on babe?" I asked.

Tim finally sighed- the first sound he'd made in hours- and I my suspicion that he was stressing himself out again was confirmed. I frowned worriedly at him, but he still hadn't glanced away from the screen as he answered my question. "Jason asked me to help him on a case, and I've found nothing."

"Maybe there is nothing to find on this guy," I pointed out, placing my hands on his shoulders and rubbing them gently, hoping that a massage would do him some good. He was always so tense when it came to our work.

Wearing the Red HoodWhere stories live. Discover now