my wake

12 2 0

No one ever expect s tributes from district 12 to make it in the arena ,so the rules were explained quickly to the four of us. 24, well in this case 48, tributes go into an arena of the gatekeepers choosing .Once were in the arena we have to kill each other until one is left. And that's about all we got from our mentor,and since no one from 12 has ever won,it was Effie."any questions?"said Effie in her perky voice. I was going to die , we all were , there were really no questions to ask. "No ........ok well then I will get you all off to your stylists then so we can get you ready for the parade. "Said Effie with a smile. They did this before every games,they would parade the tributes around and show them off and welcome them to the capitol. I knew what it really was though, it was my wake."Ok ,off you go"Effie said as men and women in white missus robes pulled us all away from each other and in different directions. I must admit that the building they brought us to is the most luxurious place I had ever seen. The floors were black marble looking stuff and the walls were white of the same material. The ceiling was made of some sort of crystal that hung giant shimmering chandeliers and the place was furnished with plush couches and chairs. Hey if I'm going to die  I'm going to die in style.I took the grandeur of the building in as I was led down corridor after corridor. The man who was leading me was saying something but I honestly wasn't listening. We finally got to a room that looked cold ,white and heartless compared to the rest of the building . "........strip."only then did I realize that the man said something important ."what!"

"I said ,we need to get you ready for your stylist so you need to strip."

"No way in Hell."

"We can just kill you now."I didn't like the way he was looking at those scissors. I began to take my clothes off. I was given a robe which I would have to take on and off as they stripped every hair of my body and picked off every flake of dandruff in my scalp. Then they continued to wash me over and over again. Finally ,after . 5 hours ,they deemed me ready to see my stylist. When she walked in she placed a hand on my chest then walked past me and sat down. Man people are weird here.

"Ok ,I was thinking sexy miner."

*Palm face*every year they try to make miners sexy and it never works.

"What do you think"

Even if I had told her the truth ,she would have done it anyway. So my answer was."great!" With a touch of sarcasm.For the 20minutes they shoved me into a tight little costume . The next 2 hours were spent on makeup and hair(where they gave me guy liner ugh I so disapprove).After they were done torturing me they brought me to a mirror . This may be the closest they've gotten ,I mean it's still stupid but it's the closest it's gotten from not being stupid. I was in pretty much all black . I had black leggings with black combat boots and a black leather vest and only a vest that had orange fluorescent strips on it. They also gave me a foam pickaxe ,which looked surprisingly real. After I had looked enough ,they led me down another set of corridors to a stable sort of place where our chariots awaited us. And by chariots I meant chariots . Like the ancient kind. They filed us into two chariots. I was in the first one with maylisee who was wearing the exact same thing as me. Exact. Vest included.

"Lets do this"

I was just sort of staring at her so I almost fell when the horses started walking. They carried us under a domed arch and into the bright lights off the capitol stadium.

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