The quarter quell

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59 times .My name is in that bowl 59 times. I know my family needs this but man am I in deep shit . There is no way I'm not getting picked . I shifted my weight nervously between my two feet and dug my nails into my Palm . There going to pick me, oh God there going to pick me." Welcome ,welcome, welcome." Said the lady as she walked on stage, well I wouldn't say lady she was barely older than I was maybe 20 at most . Walked almost panicked onto the stage . She seemed to be terrified. I wonder if this was her first day. The capital must have gotten rid of the nasty old hag before her when she spilled the basket of fruit she was wearing as a hat ,at the last reaping.The women on the stage trips a little in her heels which crumple. Appearing to be made of paper that matches her paper dress that looks so tight she'd have to tear it off. I silently snicker to myself. Of course the capitol would invent an outfit you could only where once . Those wasteful bastards ."Hello , my name is Effie Trinket,I will be your new escort." Her voice shakes as she introduces herself. "Now we will have a video from the capital ."It's the same video every year . We are superior in every way blah ,blah, you will now fight for your honor blah,blah,blah. It's a load of crap . The newbies that are getting picked for the first time watch intently while people like me in there last year just kind of doze off. All to soon Effie's voice interrupts " Now it's time to pick  our tributes ." My heart starts to pump faster. "Ladies first." She puts a manicured hand into the large girls bowl. She picks a slip in between her thumb and her index finger ands walks, a little more confident to the microphone . "Maysilee Donner ." I look over to the girls side of town square to see a girl I didn't know stand frozen in shock. Then she puts on ,an obviously fake, smile and walks up to the stage . Once she reaches the microphone her smile is slanted and there's a tear running down her face . I feel bad that she's going to die , she seems like a really strong person. She's just another life the  capital is going to rip away . I'm almost afraid for her but I'm even more afraid that when the men's name is called I will be standing with her. "Now for the men ." She walks to the opposite side of the stage to another bowl. The bowl that has my name in it 59 times . My heart begins to beat rapidly and hands start to sweat . She quickly picks a slip and walks to the microphone . When her mouth opens to speak the name my heart stops . "Malvrix Langston ."A cool wave of relief fills my hot brains and red palms as I realise what just happend . I didn't get picked. I'm safe. I'm done. I'm going to be ok. The capital can't get to me now. Next year I'll be 18 they can't get to me then . An official I didn't notice before walks over and whispers in Effie's ear . She looks back at the audience clearly embarrassed . " I have just been told that since this is the 50th anniversary of the hunger games and a quarter quell we will have double the tributes ."I had just been flying and now dread filled me like lead causing me to come crashing down to reality. She quickly walks over to the ladies and picks a name but I'm only listening for my own name. She calls the name out but everything is mute . Then she walks to the men and my hearing comes into focus as she speaks into the microphone . I freeze in terror for I recognize the name that they call. Haymitch Abernathy . I recognize it because it's my own.
I hope you like what you read. I'm trying to be accurate  so if you notice wrong information don't hesitate to put it in the comments . If  you have any suggestions or questions(cool that rhymes) feel free to comment. Thanks for reading.

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