Chapter 9

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I walked down the dorm hallway after getting off of work, only to run into non other than Hayley. I really wasn't in the mood to talk to her so I started to walk away from her but she stopped me. I turned back around and faced her. 

"Hey Tay, could you do me a favor? Could you ask Jenna if I left my sweatshirt over at her apartment? I stayed over there a few nights ago and I haven't been able to find that sweatshirt anywhere since." Hayley asked, shocking me. What was she doing staying over at Jenna's? 

"Um, sure. Sorry, I'm in a hurry." I muttered as I quickly walked past her and into Lynn and my room. I leaned against the door after shutting it and slowly sank down to sit. I stayed leaned against the door with my knees against my chest. Jenna wouldn't cheat on me with Hayley, would she?

Hayley had to be messing with me! It wouldn't make sense for Jenna to be cheating on me if she just asked me to be her girlfriend. I had to just not over react about this, it would be ridiculous to. Jenna was coming over tonight, I would just bring up what Hayley said then...

But, what about what Jenna said about "guests staying over" when I slept over for the first time. Ashley acted like it was a regular thing for girls to be staying over... was Hayley one of those girls? I just had to stop thinking about this right now, it wasn't doing me any good. I stood up from my place on the floor and moved to my dresser. I plugged my phone in and then changed out of my work clothes into some sweatpants and a t-shirt. I laid down in my bed and watched youtube videos for awhile to distract myself from thoughts about Jenna and Hayley. 

Jenna hadn't given me an exact time when she would be over so I ended up watching a ton of youtube videos. I eventually got up from my cozy spot on my bed and decided to make myself something to eat. I simply made some ramen and then returned to my spot on my bed. This time, I got my laptop out so I could watch a movie on netflix. I started some random one that was recommended and finished eating. I cleaned up my food  and then returned to the movie. 


"Tay?" I felt someone shake my shoulder lightly and I opened my eyes. I must have fallen asleep while watching the movie. I hadn't even realized that I was tired. Jenna was standing in front of me and I sat up in bed. 

"Hey, I guess I fell asleep while watching a movie." I laughed and stood up to give her a hug. We sat down together on my bed and she took off her jacket. She set it down beside the bed on the floor and then scooted closer to me so our legs were touching. Jenna was holding something behind her back. 

"I brought you something." She smiled with bright eyes. Jenna brought her hands out from behind her back to reveal a cd. It wasn't just any cd though, she had made me a mix cd. 

"Jenna, this is so cute!" I exclaimed as she passed it to me. Jenna had written down the songs on a piece of paper on the inside cover of the case. It was probably one of the most thoughtful gifts I'd ever received. 

"Really? You like it?" She asked and I nodded. Jenna continued to smile happily as I read through the song list. Some of the songs I didn't recognize but others were ones we'd talked about together. I didn't want to ruin this moment, but I had suddenly remembered why I had been upset before. 

"I ran into Hayley earlier, she wanted me to ask you if she left her sweatshirt at your apartment." I mentioned to her. I watched her reaction but she seemed very calm to me, which was reassuring. Jenna probably had a reasonable explanation as to why Hayley stayed over at her house. 

"Oh yeah? She stayed over a couple days ago after Ashley, her, and I went out." Jenna shrugged. I internally let out a sigh of relief. Jenna didn't seem to be trying to be secretive, she was being completely honest. Hayley was trying to mess with me but I wasn't going to let her get between Jenna and I. 

"Jenna, I was wondering, would you want to meet my parents this weekend? I'm visiting them on Saturday and I just thought 'why not bring Jenna?' I understand if you think it's too soon or you're just not comfortable with it though." I said. I got up and placed the cd on the top of my dresser, then sat back down beside Jenna. She seemed to be thinking the idea through so I gave her a minute. 

"Why not, I mean I'd like to do it sooner rather then later." Jenna agreed and I broke into a grin. I was happy that she didn't complain about this suggestion. Jenna's phone went off for a moment then, signaling she had received a text.  After reading it, she stuffed her phone back in her pocket. 

"Something came up with Ashley, I'm really sorry to bail on you like this Tay. You won't be upset if I head out, right? We can hang out sometime before this weekend, Thursday maybe?" Jenna told me and pulled me into a hug. 

"Yeah, it's all right." I sighed, wishing we could have had more time together. She kissed me once before saying goodbye. I watched her leave and then laid back in my bed. I was kind of sad that Jenna had to leave all of a sudden, I also admired what a good friend she was to Ashley. They weren't the type of people I would think to be good friends but it was obvious they were close in a friendly way. I just hoped nothing too serious was wrong with Ashley.


This is kind of a filler for the drama filled chapter i have planned next! Look forward to that in the next day or two, i promise. 

Quick question for you guys, what are some of your favorite ships? 

I'm getting ready to start planning my next fic and I want to have an idea of the material you readers want. 

Thanks for commenting/voting ily <3

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