Chapter 7

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(Kind of smut warning?)


I woke up with Jenna's arms wrapped around me which was much better than falling out of the bed like last time. It was easy to tell she hadn't yet woken up due to how even her breaths were. I kind of wished I could wake up like this every morning. 

"Jenna?" I whispered, turning my body to face her. I poked her side lightly when she didn't respond. Jenna slowly opened her eyes and I smiled at her. She blinked a few times before smiling back. 

"Good morning." Jenna said and pecked me on the lips. I was happy I stayed over for the night. 

"Hi." I replied and stretched my legs only to remember I had only borrowed a long t-shirt from her and in fact was not wearing any pants. I blushed at the thought of Jenna seeing me like that and remembering that she had watched me change out of my dress last night. 

"Why are you blushing?" Jenna laughed lightly and it only made my face redder. I tried to ignore it and calm down but failed miserably. She continued to laugh at me. 

"Nothing! I'm not thinking about anything! It's just really hot in here." I tried to defend myself. To prove my point a pulled the blankets off of me only to quickly realize what I had just done. I immediately recovered myself with the blankets and covered my face with my hands out of embarrassment.

"Aww do you think I care that you don't have any pants on? Tay, they're just legs." She teased me and pulled my hands away from my face. I couldn't believe the discussion we were having. 

"I mean, if you're thinking about that we could-" 

"No! I mean it's not like I wouldn't enjoy that - oh my god, I mean, like, we could-" I stuttered, interrupting her before she could finish her sentence. I was flustered by her words and my face heated up again for the second time that morning. Then, Jenna did something I wasn't expecting and kissed me. I kissed her back hesitantly but quickly got comfortable with it as she got on top of me. 

"Are you okay with this?" She asked in between kisses and I nodded. Her hands trailed down my sides, pulling the t-shirt up a little bit so her hands gripped my bare hips. To say the least, I was enjoying this. 

We continued to make out for a few minutes, her hands were slowly getting higher and higher under the t-shirt. I took control, dismissing the earlier embarrassment, and separated from her to take the shirt off. I unfortunately wasn't wearing matching underwear to my bra, though I don't think Jenna even cared. Her hands had started to reach my bra and were about to touch my-

I opened my eyes, trying to calm my erratic breathing that resulted from the dream I had just had about the girl sleeping next to me. I was so thankful that Jenna was neither a mind reader nor awake for that. I didn't want to risk having another dream about Jenna right beside me, so slowly sat up and nudged Jenna's shoulder. 

"Jenna?" I said quietly and nudged her again. She opened her eyes and slowly sat up, turning her head to face me. 

"Did you sleep alright?" She asked after a moment of stretching her arms. I nodded in response, worried that just by talking she would know about my dream. Why the hell would my brain think this was the appropriate night to have a dream like that? Jenna reached across me to the table beside her bed to get her phone. She checked the time before locking it and setting it back down again. 

"It's 10:23, when did you say you had to work today?" Jenna questioned me. I thought for a minute, not remembering at first. 

"I have to work at three so I think I would need to be home at about two." I told her and she nodded. I wondered if she had other things to do today.

"Okay, do you want to go out and do something? Or I could just make you brunch and we could hang around here?" She shrugged and her offer to make me food was something I couldn't pass up. There was just something about someone else making me a meal that appealed to me.

"What are you making?" I said and she smiled. We both got up and I instantly wished I had worn something other than a dress last night. I didn't want to wear it anymore but I didn't have any other choice. I followed Jenna to the kitchen and Ashley was standing next to the refrigerator  wearing nothing but a robe and eating an apple. 

"Um, Ashley? Remember the rules when we have guests over?" Jenna said and Ashley shrugged. What did she mean when guests were over? Did Jenna regularly have girls staying over? Am I jumping to conclusions with this? Probably. 

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Ashley groaned and left the room. She walked down the hallway to where presumably her room was. I tried to ignore what my mind was thinking about what Jenna said. It was hard to forget what she said though. 

Jenna offered me a seat at the table and then started opening cabinets to get ingredients out. She didn't tell me what she was making, but food was food. I waited patiently while Jenna cooked, she made light conversation with her back turned to me. Jenna's earlier comment was still in the back of my brain, I knew it would bother me until I got answers. I decided to just ask her about it some other day. When Jenna finally turned around with a plate of food I was excited to see what she had made.

"I just made you an omelet, I wasn't sure what stuff you like in it so sorry if you don't like it." She said and set the plate down in front of me  along with a fork. I took a bite and was in heaven. 

"Oh my god, why didn't you tell me you could cook well?" I said after I finished another bite. 

"I'm not that good at cooking but thank you." Jenna smiled. I finished the food quickly while she was making herself breakfast. It had been a pretty great morning excepting the dream and the thing Jenna said. I was happy. 


Early update because I'm not doing anything. 

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