I'm So Stupid

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(So I'm thinking of doing a small twist to monchele..Find out in this next chapter! Enjoy! Oh & one more thing, there's going to be a part where I put a "•". That's when you play the video for this chapter. It'll go perfectly with this chapter.)

Ugh. That's all I say when my parents fight. Yup. Their fighting. AGAIN. But I really hope one of them doesn't leave. Skylar is scared out of her mind. I'm in her room comforting her. She's slowly falling asleep next to me but she's trying to stay awake.
"Go to sleep. You don't need to hearing any of this argument. Your still too young." I said to Skylar.
She calmed down. She finally fell asleep. I placed her gently in her bed & pulled the covers onto her. I kissed her on the forehead & slowly walked towards the door. After I shut her door, I hear the argument die down. Then I hear the back door slam. I walk down the stairs towards the kitchen & I see mom sitting at the kitchen table with her hands on her forehead with her head down. I just see her shake her head. Like she's blaming her self for all the fights. I walk up to her.
"Hey mom." I said acting calm
"Hey sweetie...you okay?" She asked trying to hold back tears.
"I'm okay. How about you?" I ask as I sit next to her at the kitchen table.
"I'll be okay. Just a disagreement between me and your father that's all. How's Skylar? I hate to fight with your dad while she's in the house. She's still too young to understand what's going on. I mean she's only 8 & I can't have her grow up like this." Mom said feeling guilty & whipping away tears
"She's doing okay. I had to rock her to sleep again because she woke up hearing you two argue again. She's just scared one of you will leave. She said she's been having nightmares of you two fighting & one of you leaving and never coming back." I relied almost about to cry but I'm holding it back for my mom.
"I'm so sorry baby..I never thought in my years of married to your father, we would never fight. But I guess there's going to be a time where we have a disagreement. But I promise you and Skylar, we will try to make things be the same again okay? That's a promise." My mom said as she held my hands.
"Okay."  I replied back.
"Now why don't you go up stairs & go to bed okay? Maybe we'll all sit down together as a family and talk everything out. How's that sound? Sound like a plan kiddo?" Mom asked as she got up from her seat along with me.
"Okay. That sounds good. Goodnight mom. I love you." I replied as I hugged my mom goodnight.
"Goodnight baby doll. I love you more." Mom replied
I walk back up stairs & into my room. I get into my bed & turn my light off. I close my eyes & fall asleep. But I'm not fully asleep yet because I hear someone come into my room. I then hear a whisper in my ear.
"Goodnight kiddo. I love you so much."
It was dad. He kisses me on the forehead and pull the covers up to my chest like he always did. I always liked it & I still do. I hear him leave. I open my eyes & smile. Then I close them again & fall asleep.

The next morning, my family & I all sit together and talk things out. Everything is running smoothly. No fighting. Well yet anyway. After an hour of family talk, daddy goes out to the patio. Skylar looks at daddy & then runs up to me and mom in horror. I then look at him & noticed something I thought I would never see him do. EVER.
He's smoking a cigarette. I see mom storm out to the patio and start in with dad.
Great. Fighting. But this time it was really bad. Skylar is standing next to me crying. I pick her up and run upstairs. I storm into her room and start to her backpack with clothes, anything she needs. She grabs her teddy bear and then runs behind me towards my room where i grab some of my things and my car keys. We both then storm out of the house and into my car. I buckle Skylar in her car seat. I get in the car, turned it on, and drove off without looking back.
"Where we going Heidi? I'm scared." Skylar asked still scared and upset.
"I don't know yet sweetheart. Just relax and be brave for me okay?" I said trying to calm my sister down.
She nods her head okay as she wipes her eyes & then plays with her teddy.
I know where to go.
I'm going to my biological dad's parents house. My biological dad apparently died last year from a supposed cancer he was diagnosed with but I don't really care cause he was never my father. He never even loved me. But his parents did. They'll help us. I know they will.
After two hours of driving, a storm kicks in. I barely see the road. I drive as careful as I can so nothing happens.
"Heidi I'm scared!" Skylar screams
"It'll be okay I'll-" I said as I start to loose control of the car. We slide off the road. Glass is shattering everywhere from the windows. I see Skylar covering her self with her blanket so she doesn't get glass all over her. My seat belt comes un done & I fly out of my seat and hit the back window. The front of the car hits a tree. We stopped sliding down. I lift my head up and try to adjust my self. I feel pain in my shoulders & arms. I'm bleeding in some areas. I look okay for the most part. But I don't feel right. I look over at my little sister. Skylar uncovers herself. She's okay thank god. She looks okay. I was able to unbuckle her. I slowly take her out & then gently get out of the totaled car. All I can say in my head was
"I'm so stupid."
Then I hear sirens. Three cop cars came & found us. One cop takes Skylar to get checked out in the ambulance that eventually came shortly after. But I don't feel okay. My head starts to hurt. Everything goes black. I hear the cop trying to talk to me. But I couldn't. The last I heard was
"We need to get her to a hospital! I think we're loosing her!!"

Then everything went black.

Ooooo cliffhanger!! What happened to Heidi?! Will she make it through? Will she be okay?!?!

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