I sighed, "Richie, it's been two years since I've dated anyone, it's not like I'm gonna up and settle down with her. I'm just trying to put myself back out there, you know? Test the waters. We've only been dating for a month, I'm not gonna up and marry her."

"I know that, its just" he paused again. It seems as if he's beating around the bush and doesn't want to tell me something,

"what is it?"

He shook his head, "nothing. Just a guy worried about his best friend that's all"

I half smiled, knowing that he wanted to say more, but I brushed it off, "thanks for your concern, but I'll be fine. Come on, lets get back to work" I patted him on the back and we walked out of the break room making casual conversation.


Looking at myself in the mirror, I feel like I look pretty good. Black nike, Dark blue dress pants with a white button up, I still have bed head hair from the nap I took earlier but I think I look pretty good. I'm ready for my date. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket signifying a text from Rosy I'm sure.

'I'm downstairs'

I smiled at the fact that I was right. She's always right on time. I  grabbed my dark blue suit jacket and headed out of my condo to meet her.

Opening the door, I found her standing outside of her car leaning onto it with a cheesy bright smile planted on her plump lips. "What's cooking good looking?"

I laughed as I walked towards the car taking in how amazing she looks. She has her dark brown hair pulled back in a neat bun, she has on a dark blue cocktail dress that hugged her curves marvelously I might add and minimal make-up. I stared into her blue eyes finally reaching her, "hey, you look great" I smiled

"why thank you good sir" she smiled opening the car door for me, I frowned "shouldnt that be my job?"

"Not on your birthday"

I shook my head, "you're unbelievable"

with both of us finally in the car, she drove to the upscale restaurant she's been wanting to take me to for weeks.

Once there, we got out and she handed the valet the keys. Now I've never been to this restaurant so I stood there like an idiot drinking in how amazing the outside looks.
They have a red carpet flowing toward the entrance like some sort of award show, leading into these tall clear doors, two men standing in front of them holding the door open for people to walk in. There are these pretty christmas lights around the frame of the door illuminating the busy atmosphere around them. "Wow"

I could feel her grab my hand, "didn't I tell you how amazing this place was?!" She chirped beside me, "Come on, you've got to see the inside"

I let her lead me into the fancy place because I was just taken aback by how impossibly beautiful it is.
Once inside, the first thing I noticed were the ceilings. They are so high filled with baby cupid paintings, the last super, and some others I failed to recognize. The ceilings came down into smooth badge cream colored walls meeting with matching marble floors. The single red carpet lead up to a podium and standing behind it was a french looking guy in a crisp black suit. I stared behind him looking into the open space filled with classy people seated at the millions of tables placed around. I watched everyone eating and making casual conversation.

"Table for two" Rosy smiled politely

"last name please?"


I can see how excited she is by the cheesy grin plastered on her pretty face. I smiled too gripping her hand tighter.

"Right this way"

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