The Falcon

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I paced up and down in my room with the anger still churning in my stomach. Men were so ridiculously dense. Maybe I should be done with them. I appreciated the fact that he cared for my safety, but I wasn't going to be bossed around any longer. I was free and I could do anything I wanted, so he can go stick it.

So what was I going to do? I could stay here, mope around and watch the people I cherished get hurt. Or, I could do some real good and try and stop Healer and Trainer at whatever cost.

Ororo said so herself that she didn't like the idea and yet I was right. I was the only one here who would stand a chance against them. So what was everyone else going to do? I felt so lost and alone at this point my mind was giving itself a headache. I flopped down on my bed and closed my eyes. This isn't what I expected it to be after I left. I thought I could be free and happy. But now, I felt more worse than ever and trapped.

I needed to prepare. I needed to be stronger so I could stand a chance. I sat up in my bed and crossed over to the door. I know leaving a mess of things wasn't going to fix my problems, but I needed Ororo's help.

I needed to become an X-Men.

"So, you want me to train you?" Ororo asked as she sat back in her desk.

I nodded and sat up straighter. "This is my fault, and I want to fix it."

Ororo shifted in her seat as if she were uncomfortable. "I know you think you can-"

"Please," I begged.

Ororo sighed. "Alright. But you have to promise me something."

I waited.

"You have to promise to let us help you."

My jaw clenched and I fought to keep from yelling in her face. "I can't."

"Daniella, I know you think you can take on these people by yourself but you and I both know you can't do it alone. No matter how much you don't like it."

I opened my mouth to say something but I closed it. She was right.

"Fine. You have my word," I said as I gave in.

Ororo's shoulders relaxed. "Alright. First thing's first."


"You need a suit don't you?"

I felt a smile creep on my lips.

"It's a snug fit," I said and zipped up the X-Men suit Ororo had given me.

"I slightly copied Warren's suit. There are two slits in the back for your wings. The thing about this suit is, it won't get damaged in any kind of weather. It will also keep you warm in negative twenty degrees. So if you happened to get caught in a nasty storm, you won't freeze to death." There was a mocking edge to her voice.

"Thanks," I said and slipped the leather gloves on. All in all, I looked like an actual superhero.

"Try it out." Ororo said and stood back.

I paused for a moment then my wings bursted from my back. The material it escaped from didn't hurt at all and it was a perfect fit for both wings.

"How does it feel?"

"Good. Real good," I said amused.

Ororo studied the suit from all angles. "Well, you can now officially call yourself an X-Men now."

X-Men: The Falcon (Book One)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt